Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

No, he found someone else to mother him

A real feel good story.

Did she find anyone

No, she became a bit of a hermit during COVID so I’d say the dating and tinder were shelved for 18 months or so.

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Hurler falling out of love with the game in this weeks Farmers Journal.


The auld fella needs to fuck him off the farm


Why can’t the father go to his crossfit sessions instead?


If the senior is too much pressure for him then the advice should have been to hurl a bit of junior for the year and enjoy it more. Dear Miriam is advising him to quit altogether.

He’s not happy with the drinking ban. Junior B should suit him down to the grand.


Clearly in a club that gets knocked out early in the Tipp championship.

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All Jeremy Kyles on here

I’d love JK to make a return.

For some reason I also felt that it read like a Tipp club. One unlikely to feature in the latter stages of senior I’d imagine.

There must be 15/16 clubs that are happy once they are safe from relegation but no hope of a divisional title let alone the county. You can see the young lads frustration. Going through the motions

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It’s a load of bull. There’s no lad hurling senior that doesn’t want to hurl senior. If you’ve no heart, your dropped and that’s it.

And sure if it’s in the journal, the father was sure to see it. That doesn’t add up either.

But maybe that was the whole point. If hurling no longer binds them together then the only way to communicate is via the farmer’s journal.
For God’s sake man.

Sounds like the son has caught the gay

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I wonder would they be the only farming father and son combo where the son plays hurling?


I don’t think ye understand how the Tipp championship works lads

Who’d’ve thunk hurling was chromosome pacific

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