Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Shut up, you silly big fanny


You left out an apostrophe.

He should give her a 6 minute start on Parkrun, if he catches her, she has to hoover the whole house, double sessions.

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what was the marathon time?

Tough going in tipp

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He needs to go balls deep on hollow earth. Flat earth is fir beginners

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This lad is living on the edge


One of my best pals is a headbanger, Covid started it for him, though he’s not a racist to be fair,
I’m meeting him at a wedding tomorrow, looking forward to hopping a few balls off him and vice versa, it takes all sorts :man_shrugging:

Birds aren’t real is a great conspiracy theory. Hopefully that’s one he can get behind.

He will with the help of God :pray:

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Mention that the weather is shit and youve noticed a lot of exhaust trails from aeroplanes in the morning, but dont hear anything.

Sky is lovely and clear early in morning and in evenings.

This is the new poplar theory

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Tell him you have heard from a good source that all Irish people are being replaced by foreigners so that Sharia law can be imposed on the country.

Why are all migrants military aged men? They are not migrants they are soldiers. The asylum centres are actually barracks. That’s why they are placing them all over the country in strategic locations.



About 11 o’clock float the idea that The environmentalists restriction of fertilisers and attacking beef and dairy as causing climate change is part of a global conspiracy to cause a food shortage crisis to force people to live underground and eat insects. Covid was invented to explore where global food chains were vulnerable and the next pandemic in 2027 is already planned will be linked to cattle and will see red meat banned.

Just keep mentioning Bill Gates, vaccines, fake food, chem trails, buying farmland, epsteins list etc.

You just need to make it a bit more incoherent and it could pass for glenshane.

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Or that the covid 19 virus was caused by a leak from a bioweapons research lab.

Or that even though there was perfectly suitable treatment available for the treatment of Covid it was deemed unsafe by MSM and the pharma companies made 100 billion instead with their wonder vaccine…

oh and tell him that this very vaccine has been proven to reduce immunity in patients who have had 2 jabs or more.

That will send him over the edge.


Go again lad

Higher or lower?

They are only conspiracy theories until they become close to conspiracy fact.

Dont let him get in with stuff that he can come back with solid evidence to argue with. Let him spin off woth theories than are not close to facts. The chem trail one is hot at the moment.

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