Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Nobody is saying that.

Does a public servant who breaks lockdown rules or is caught using a phone while driving lose his job? Hogan is not in government here.


Why are you defending a habitual law breaker, who ironically hails from the Law and Order party.


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He’s so important to Oirland he’s untouchable is the overarching narrative coming from his sympathizers here



So you agree nobody said he was or should be above the law.


fellas defending the indefensible is beginning to become the norm around here sadly

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So you agree you are implying he is above the law?


Spot on, I think the shit will really hit the fan with all this tomorrow. General election here we come.

How is he above the law? If he has broken lockdown rules or road traffic rules he should face same sanction as anybody else.

You are saying he should face a greater sanction. Why?

Wasn’t Churchill pissed drunk throughout world war 2? If a mans getting the job done let him at it.

Our elected representatives being held to a higher account perhaps? The idea is they set the standards not abuse them

Big Phil is not an elected public representative in Eire.


So he is above the law then, I see

Who’s saying he’s above the law?

See above

Cromwell was a ruthless fucker but even he couldn’t last till the 20th century

Show us please?

He has clarified that he carried out his due diligence beforehand as to whether the event was compliant with latest public health guidelines. He received assurances that it was and was only then that he made his decision to travel.

It may well transpire that the event was compliant with regulations. It’s very unwise to be rushing to conclusions and judgement on a matter that is currently the subject of a Garda investigation.

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He’s a habitual law breaker.

That’s an odd departure from someone who was ignoring any official enquiry earlier and posting rhetoric from sectarian news outlets to support his bigotry.

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