Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Indeed. You should know better

Why do you say itā€™s a sectarian newspaper? Let me guess - its because it doesnā€™t espouse your Pretend IRA, Glasgow Celtic supporting, at war with the ā€˜Free Stateā€™ (you donā€™t recognise) fantasist view of the world.

Yes. Commissioner Harris could be in a bit of bother here. Passing on the details of a case to the Home Secretary. Is that not what Commissioner Callinan did with Mick Wallace?

ā€œDonā€™t you know who I amā€?

Is Drew supposed to do that? Surely thereā€™s a GDPR issue there?

I reckon Martin and varadkar donā€™t expect Hogan to resign or VDL to sack him. They called on him to consider his position. Martin had to be seen to do something. If he calls on Hogan to resign on his own and Hogan doesnā€™t, it undermines him more. He asks varadkar to join him in the call on Hogan. Varadkar canā€™t really refuse. Both stand up for the rules they the government introduced, neither is undermined more than the other, Hogan stays put and they all try to move on.

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Thatā€™s about it. Weā€™re all happy (enough) with the result.
MM: I called out Big Phil, the big fucker.
LV: I got a bit of a dig at Hogan, the cunt.
BP: I grovelled a bit and got away with it.

Joe Public: Nothing changes (sighs)ā€¦


Heā€™ll be doing well to see the week out. A lot of legs in this one yet

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I lolzā€™d at this one


Apparently this section implies that he should, but it looks specious enough reasoning to me. I donā€™t really know how knowledge of it worked its way up to him though

In the olden days, a brass neck was all you needed to believe youā€™re above the law and have the sleeven brigade foaming at the mouth to defend you. 2 fellas and half a hurl relied on this mentality for many a long year above in Dublin Castle
Times have changed it would appear

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The last bit is very good, certainly a hanging offense


The great and the good will see us through donā€™t worry. Just like they did for 800 years that time

Fair play to the tan fronting Euronews at the moment, made an effort at Taoiseach and Meehawl.
Poor efforts but efforts all the same unlike Sky and BBC. Not surprising though, place seems amply stocked with Irish ladies but their coaching needs work.

Martin on Clare Byrne now. Christ will he just out it and tell him to go.

Martin is hanging Phil here on Claire Byrne, saying that Phil didnā€™t get why he had to give an apology, which sounds like Phil the ignorant cunt. Of course Martin tying himself up in knots.

Champ all over the shop here

Jaysus the amount of shite Martin is spewing here he will destroy the environment.

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She pinged him nicely on the separation there

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