Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone


No I was talking about health service and welfare costs, results of FG ideological choices not to invest in the health service or housing.

Overall government spending grew from ā‚¬74 b in 2014 to ā‚¬88 b in 2019. Thatā€™s an average growth rate of 3.4% over the period. In the same period government revenues grew at a rate of 6% bringing us back into surplus. That doesnā€™t strike me as outrageous or a government losing the run of themselves.

Iā€™m very curious as to your solution for health that results in a stop or dramatic reduction in spending increases there. Any state-led solution Iā€™ve heard usually involves significantly more spending both on a capital and current basis.

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If they are stupid enough not to see the optics of that dinner would be a problem then they donā€™t belong in politics.
Not disagreeing about the rules or that itā€™s a cod, but guess what these people made the rules and promoted the cod they expect us to live by.


They made a rod for their own backs.

How many breakfasts in hueston station could you put away in 105 mins?

Looks like Brian Hayes has gotten away Scot free with the whole thing

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He isnā€™t paid from the public purse

The banking sector ainā€™t exactly the most accountable body in this country.


No but surely when hes sent out to bat for the cunts, he should be ripped apart by any interviewer worth his/her salt

His appointment to that job really shines an awful light of banking and how it gets to real power . He never worked in a bank in his life yet was appointed to an advocacy position for the sector .

Let that sink in .

Spot on.

Every other Golf club have stopped prize giving ceremonies until itā€™s safe to do so.

Also, is it true the Martin claimed today his anger at the event going ahead after sponsoring a prize?


ā€˜Unprecedented Supreme Court reviewā€™ into Woulfe from retired Ms Chief Justice Susan Denham

Plus the fact that the new restrictions were only announced the day before.

Thats a fact Mike, but if you were the one creating the restrictions 24 hours previous, youā€™d surely have enough cop on to see that what you were doing is wrong the next day.

End of the day, its pretty over egged though as the country is due to face far worse problems as we go into winter unfortunately.

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This is modern Ireland. What a cunt. They didnā€™t break the rules but why didnā€™t they break the rules :laughing:


In fairness thatā€™s a different argument. Regardless what side of the fence youā€™re on. As @Special_Olympiakos said, this was about optics and perception. This was a real case of ā€œdo as I say and not as I doā€ It was the ultimate animal farm moment . The sheer arrogance on show was unbelievable. Swanning around the place, stuffing their faces while the rest of us have to pay ā‚¬9 just to have a pint. Cunts, every last one of them.


Micheal Creed was cute enough not to go to the dinner.

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Who were the two lads that Brian Hayes was with do we know?

Vulture fund capitalists- giving them access to politics

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