Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone


Rubbish. Similar to Biff, I criticised FG for only delivering a small surplus and spending nearly 10 billion more than forecast by 2019. Mostly on pointless welfare goodies and public service salary increases rather than on productive things as well. Things they got no thanks for and which were politically pointless.

Donā€™t try and claim I have cheerleaded for them during Covid ffs.

Yeah they were funny. You can see them here on the last page of their manifesto.

The delta between their tax breaks and tax raising initiatives was ā‚¬1.4bn, of which;

  • ā€œend the tax breaks to banksā€ - ā‚¬175m. The banks were using forward losses, as other businesses use. As major shareholders in the banks, we benefited from that via the share price. They donā€™t seem to get that you are just taking from one hand to give to the other. Itā€™s also totally uncosted - I wonder what year they used and applied 12.5%? They know that profits go up and down Iā€™m sure. Itā€™s sounds nice and is populist though, so just lash it in there.

  • ā€œIncrease income from the annual bank levyā€ - ā‚¬50m - see above

  • ā€œ- Tax intangible assets onshored by multinationalsā€ - ā‚¬722m. The big one. Again Iā€™d love to see their workings, I wonder do they even know what intangibles are. I wonder do they even know what they are or that they will move.

Loads of other ones you can go through there but there are never any counter costs to what they are doing.

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Bizarre Sean Oā€™Rourke has taken such a punishment.

Heā€™s a prick, donā€™t get me wrong, and clearly an establishment lackey who liked rubbing shoulders with politicians (something which was unprofessional considering his occupation) but he wonā€™t work with them ever againā€¦?

Heā€™ll be back when the dust settles, no doubt. What the likes of Og Cusack did was far worse and heā€™s on every week.

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The real question here is what ā€œprojectsā€ RTE had in mind for SOR and could they not be done by a current employee ??

You have to remember RTE are the fulcrum in terms of lads calling for Big Philā€™s head. If theyā€™re seen to fire him a bone, all hell will break loose

Exactly, I thought the cunt had retired. Surely there some young people there who could be given a chance.SOR reminds me of these teachers who retire but still end up doing substitute/exams.

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This is baffling.

@dodgy_keeper might have called this out earlier if it was so obvious surely, any time within the last 25 odd years maybe

Youā€™ve had a shocking pandemic, pal.

Telling rural pubs to ā€œadaptā€ and churn out carvery dinners was the nadir of it.


Youā€™ve some horn for Cusack.

When did he ever hold FFG figures to account for their actions.

SOR is a fantasist.

Is this a contest?

Interest rates are low now but are unlikely to remain low forever and ultimately government debt will need to get refinanced, it rarely gets repaid. We need to consider both what the interest rate is now and in ten years or so when we need to roll it over.

That being said, using low interest rate debt is good if itā€™s for sensible capital spending and or in emergency situations/stimulus (as in now). In the case where an economy is overheating (say late 2019 in Ireland) then using debt for capital spending is questionable but thatā€™s an aside.

Using debt to finance current spending in any sort of significant way is quite a bad thing to do though - youā€™re just putting off bad decisions. We had gotten away from that over the last decade to be fair.

Your point about the ā€œmost out of control current spendingā€ is utterly misleading in the face of a global pandemic but you know that.


What happens if any RTE employees/contractors are caught breaking any laws from now on?

RTE creating a rod for their own back with the virtue signaling.


The whole thing is a cod.

99% of people have flouted at least one of these ridiculous restrictions more than once over the past few months.

If someone in public life stays longer that 105 minutes in a pub, does it become a sackable offence? Where does it all end?

The Kildare thing is a total joke. Even the guards up there have given up on it.


You are broadly correct . However the real problem for me with the golf dinner was how stupid the cunts were and how it exposed the kind of cunt that needed to attend .


The people are really ashamed of themselves for having their lives ruined by this cod so need an external third party to vent and project their anger to. A few middle aged politicians playing golf fit the bill.

It was completely tone deaf considering what is currently going on.


They surely have enough deadwood on the payroll to present a few current affairs shows.

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People are playing the man and not the ball here.

To be fair to these lads, they did appear to at least make some effort to abide by the rules.

There was a similar event in Esker Hills a few weeks back to celebrate a year since Shane Lowry won the Open and every GAA Tom, Dick and Harry were there posing for photos in the bar, with no social distancing going on.

Not a word about it.

How are we ever going to get top people enter politics when they know that even the smallest little mistake and they will be ridiculed and humiliated for a full week and then be made resign?

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