Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone


Great clarity here

The die-hard OIUTF/“it’s only a cod” crew are after pulling the curtains down off the rails. Quite the turnaround.

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FF are driving this hard, by God they will regret fucking with Big Phil though.

It’s part of the whole shit show all the way. The media have a story that makes them relevant again (Covid) and are hanging on to it for dear life. This is just another angle.

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It’s fucking pathetic … Journalists trying to stay relevant.

Hang around long enough on TFK and you’ll actually see a man eat his own face to win an argument


If Big Phil does go then at least @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will learn what a Pyrrhic victory actually means.

I think that is a lot of it tbh .

Blaming Calliery now

This Connelly chap is some disgrace

A national embarrassment

A Tour de France here from Big Phil.

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FF want a big FG scalp . Taking the whip from a few senators is poor pickings

Careful now as along with Helen McEntee they are national treasures who did great work on Brexit, whatever that means?

I dont particularly like Big Phil, and he probably was more at fault than some who have gone (Dara Calleary seems hard done by now) but this resigning after every little thing culture has to stop


The commissioner is battling away Connelly like a fly here


He looks very at home in front of that magnificent flag.

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Blaming his doctor now

Big Phil can have Connolly’s access in Schumann taken away with a click of the fingers. I’d be surprised if the locals in the James Joyce make him welcome after the way he started on big Phil here. He seems to know his place now at least

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