Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Surely no one this lovable could be a bad guy

Calleary looks fair timid now.

Regardless of whichever way one stands, this viewpoint that he is a good negotiator is pure bullshit. The man made a pure balls of irish water 8 or 9 years ago. He was also fucked out of a junior finance ministry back in the 90s for opening his big mouth and leaking elements of an upcoming budget. A bully he may be, thatā€™s about all hes good at


People forgive those who do the honorable thing. Calleary will be a minister again while the rest of them are trapped in the bunker of public perception for the rest of their days

He made mistake after mistake after mistake, being any way competent is clearly not one of his stronger points. Heā€™s clearly a bumbling idiot, they only love it when this lad shows up at the negotiating table. And fellas still thinking this is the man to sock it to Donald Trump and Brexit :rofl: :rofl: You couldnā€™t make it up

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Tbf though, Calleary was a member of cabinet. Big Oul Phil isnā€™t even a TD.

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If your landlord had the cojones of a Big Phil youā€™d be open months ago.

Lol, fellas keep bringing my personal circumstances into it because they know they sure as hell can defend Big bumbling Phil. No defending the indefensible I suppose


You have never said what laws he broke?

You went off on one about mobile phone use and Garda discretion being used and then never answered when asked if a Garda ever came into your pub after hours and exercised discretion.

Big Phil may be a cunt. But thatā€™s not a resigning matter.

Thinly veiled I never ever gave big Phil the number 1šŸ¤£

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Under Irish Law, itā€™s an offence, while driving, to hold your mobile phone in your hand, or support it with another part of the body, such as between your shoulder and neck. ā€˜Holdā€™ is the operative word because it makes no difference whether the person ā€˜holdingā€™ the phone is talking, texting or browsing.The fines have been increased and, if caught, youā€™ll have to pay ā‚¬80 and receive 3 penalty points on your licence.

To specifically address the increasing problem of texting while driving, Irish Law was tightened in 2014. New road safety regulations stipulate a mandatory court summons and a fine rather than just penalty points.


Do you think everybody who breaks that law should resign from or lose their job?

Have you ever heard of a Garda using that discretion for a non politician?

If thatā€™s all you have itā€™s weak.

Have you broken any of the COVID regulations:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

He put peoples lives at risk attending a mass event coming from a high risk country
He put peoples lives at risk being distracted by talking on his mobile while while driving
He is clearly not a that smart now I keep answering all you questions heres one for you,why do you keep defending someone who is so reckless with others lives?

I have proactively with the movement ones and gatherings once or twice. Iā€™d imagine it would be difficult to abide by them even if you tried

Iā€™m above the law just like crooked Phil

Thereā€™s none of them laws kid

Laws are for the little people

Youā€™ve gone full Brenda.

Laws are for everyone. Guidance is for sheep