Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

I drove by there earlier and a skinny white lad was spray painting a slogan on the wall about a black man shot in America. A fat white woman was videoing him on her phone while he sprayed away. In red paint. Iā€™m not sure if the red was chosen for aesthetic or symbolic purposes or maybe it was a combination.

My initial view was your man was wokefishing her. It remains my view.

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I better check online if I can play a half dozen rounds of golf in various locations in the next week

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I see lads have given up trying to defend crooked Phil and are now just lashing out

Post of the year

He was sent to Brussels by Enda as a reward for his loyalty to Enda during the initial leadership heave. In truth most of fg were glad to see the back of the cunt. There was also strong rumours doing the rounds about his personal finances at the time.

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Who are the 2 liars?

I dunno but there is 27 people who should be AXED from their jobs

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Leinster House and the Eire domestic parliament is a glorified county council.

Big Phil has come into his own as an international statesman on the world stage since he went to Brussels. He was a terrific Agriculture Commissioner. You donā€™t get the plum job of Trade Commissioner without being exceptional and delivering the goods.

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But the Brits donā€™t want a deal, they want a crash out hard Brexit. How do you negotiate with that?

ā€œbeingā€ but carry on

Frau Ursula might yet go for the soft option and apply a stiff sanction to Phil.
She might take a leaf from the GAA manual and suspend Philā€™s canteen access for a month.
Iā€™d love it, just love it if some shit idea like this happened. Brenda and Nuala would combust.


Suspend him from the Commission Golf Society for 3 months.

It looks to me like Ursula is looking for a way to try and keep Phily in his role. Otherwise shed surely have wielded the axe by now?

Like most rational people, sheā€™s just waiting for this bullshit to blow over and to get on with some real business.


The Teachers Unions will be up in arms by the weekend and we can all move on then.

Heā€™ll get great use out of that George Foreman so

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Straight back to work for Phil while Mick still going to the mattresses


Does anyone else think Big Phil went to the K club,enroute to Clifden to collect his golf clubs and not ā€œimportant documentsā€?


Of course but can you imagine the furore if he came clean about it

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