Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

I’d be surprised if he went down home to Kilkenny without the golf clubs. I’d imagine he was getting in every bit of practice he could for the big competition.

Fellas are seething Phil plays golf during the day and works in the evenings :laughing:

Crooked Phil has really let the royal and ancient game of golf down with all his antics last week

They couldn’t comprehend that the West Coast of America is 8 hours behind and that big Phil was working to their schedule.

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Looks like Big Phil is gone :disappointed_relieved:

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David Davis will be licking his lips.

Good riddance



TFK is defeated.

Bit harsh


Well maybe it’s for the best. We can chase after Justice Woulfe and Aine Brady properly now and Hogan was lying through his teeth anyway.

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Woulfe, Grealish, Brian Hayes. We can call leave it at that then


Hogan lost more than anyone in this debacle.
Never has the saying when you are explaining you’re losing seemed so appropriate.

Lorraine Higgins too


Curtain twitchers win another round

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Breda , Mary and Laz will be celebrating tonight.


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Dara Calleary vindicated in walking early. (cc @Batigol)

Its a victory for the man on the street, my beloved Soc Dems are surging in the polls as well. What a day to be Irish :ireland:


I hope the pubs never open now… what a weasel.

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