Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone


Tell her

Weyand fuck off

Heā€™s been studying them for decades, intently.

Dya reckon Phil was laying it into her?

Paddy wanted a head
Paddy got a head
Paddy will be confused when his new commissioner is commissioner for tiddlywinks and board games


We have shown Europe we will not tolerate anything but the highest of standards from our elected representatives. This is to be commended.

Now, Iā€™m off to buy a few kegs for a house party.


Elmar Brook, the long serving and distinguished German MEP since 1980 on with Claire Byrne there. The antics of Paddy to get The sacking of Big Phil met with incredulity in Brussels. Herr Brok was saying that Big Phil was seen as the star performer in the current Commission administration and one of the few people out there up to the job of the Brexit negotiations and the US trade talks.


I think ye need to move on now lads.


Christ heā€™s a mess, Herr this Frau that. Heā€™s some kraut sympathiser behind it all.

a lot of similarities with Michael Collins, paddy got rid of a genuine world class leader and politician over internal squabbling

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I was thinking the same thing. Cork behind that as well.

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The lads are getting themselves into Gary Kirby/Liam Dunne levels of seethe over this. It will eat them up inside.

The Brits were pulling out of NI in 1973 as the PIRA were walloping them, all it took was the old mantra get Paddy to turn on Paddy and that was that.

When you go back to the mainland, put on the green jersey and tell them Paddy is doing fine

Whose next for the Charles Bronson treatment? Grealish the racist, Hayes the Vultureā€™s bitch or Justice 9 iron?

Matthew 7:2

Frau Ursula seemingly looking for two nominees male and female. The gender mix currently is 14-12 in favour of the boys. Frances Fitzgerald has to be in with a real shout here.


So were are replacing someone who is no nonsense and well respected by our German overlords with a bird who didnā€™t think it important enough to read an email about the smear campaign against a whistleblower whilst min for Justice.

You couldnā€™t make it up anymore


The media line all morning is Paddy is going to put forward some high calibre candidates and is hopeful of holding onto the Trade portfolio.

Iā€™m hopeful as well that Spurs are finally going to win the league tHis season.