Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

No, he just felt like bigging them up for this bit of innovation

Was it Fintan O’Toole who devised the plan that SF ‘lend’ their Westminster seats to neutral NI folk like Adrian Dunbar to vote down Brexit?

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The screaming Marys won’t like that

Yeah, he had a column about it. All serious like with scenarios laid out. I can’t remember the exact ins and outs of it, but think some shinner had a relatively humorous letter printed in response, making the case for votes to be lent to SF instead.

It’s a mid ranking portfolio. Not a dud like Michael O’Kennedy or David Byrne got but not one of the heavyweight portfolios like Peter Sutherland or Phil Hogan had.

Great news I suppose for IFSC workers.

I hope Mairead uses this new role to push for… what exactly?

Cheap beef from Brazil?

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She’ll never be let back on Ear to the Ground again

Meath women are really tearing up trees these days . Helen the Justice Minister and Regina ( a dub ) Leader of the Seanad .

Helen like Mairead did a great job on Brexit too.

Will be good to see some gender balance back among the FG MEPs - gone from 3 women and 1 man to two of each now.

Take that Frau von der Leyen

You see this was the underlying flaw in removing the school adjustment mechanism from the results.

If the idea was that essentially students should have received broadly similar results as to what they would have received if they took the exam then the only way that could be achieved would be to control for the schools typical record.

This was taken away for understandable political reasons but by doing so it fundamentally ensured that there would be issues. It’s just maths.

There’s a whole different argument as to why some schools do a lot better in the leaving cert and whether that’s “fair” or how it should be countered but the purpose of this marking exercise for this years cohort wasn’t to adjust inequalities in education - it was to broadly give students the marks they could reasonably expect to get if they had taken the exam.

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Think Mairead is Louth (former Louth TD)

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I wouldn’t be taking direction from you on the matter of county affiliation

Ask her is she thinks Joe Sheridan is the Messiah or Satan ??


Joe is from Warwickshire, a hotbed of Tory gains

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Never a TD