Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Let it go ffs.

Reading LinkedIn posts by middle management dweebs marks you down as one.

Is it not just a haven for human estate agents.

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Your post was well written if it’s any consolation, mate.

Thankful for the opportunity.

Commissioner McGuinness it is. Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Market Union.

Ireland has lost the Trade portfolio.

Fuck sakes.

I hope the Oughterard crew are happy now.

You say this like it was a shock.

A very important portfolio

A victory for Brenda, Nuala and Matt Cooper

An element of truth in this. A lot of the process seems like a bit of a charade.

There are underlying good reasons for this but it’s clear now why Coveney stepped away.

McGuinness certainly has sharp elbows though so hopefully that can be to Ireland’s benefit

As predicted, McGuinness get the making jam portfolio. Paddy has committed hari kari by hounding out Big Phil, the greatest act of self harm


The economy is in a state of flux now.

We’re fucked now lads, Phil wont be around to look after us.

President Von Der Leyen was never going to appoint another paddy to an important portfolio after the hassle the Irish caused her over Big Phil

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Some folk are getting needlessly worried about Ireland’s potential Brexit exposure and decreased political sway post this EU Commission reshuffle.

The SDLP have a couple of Westminster seats and they’ll use that significant influence to ensure the brits don’t do anything silly or sly.

Sure it’s the stance the commentators wanted Sinn Féin to take all along. We’re lucky to have Eastwood and Hanna protecting Ireland, Big Phil was EU focused.

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Congrats Latvia.

The next 7 days are going to be vital

Is that who got the big gig?

Don’t they give these gigs to a few smaller nations so it looks like we’ve all been invited to the party,but really the big boys just do what they want anyways

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