Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

nothing to do with the courts being off. denham, the former chief justice, was commissioned to do a report on woulfeā€™s behaviour by attending golfgate. she will report today and the report will have no legal standing but if it finds that wolfeā€™s behaviour wasnt up to scratch, then his position isnt tenable.

that said, he brought his own silk into his interviews with denham so may not be prepared to go without a fight, which will be great for FG as they appointed him.

also Woulfe has credibility issues from the past, ironically, Phil Hogan related

Nothing will happen to Woulfe, Denham will say something like it didnā€™t look good that he was there and she understands the anger at this but he did nothing wrong and that will be the end of it unfortunately

not the way the question has been framed for her

" Ms Justice Denham has been asked to consider whether Mr Justice Woulfe should have accepted the invitation to dinner.
In addition, whether he should, in all the circumstances, have left the hotel in the light of the situation prevailing.
furthermore, whether he should have attended the golf event without attending the dinner.ā€"

the only answers that have any credibility here are no, yes & no and if denham comes to those conclusions then woulfe is toast


The separation of powers scutter was used to not answers questions about him by politicians. If that applies then the only answer to question one is NO and he has to go.

heā€™s fucked.

he should be and shouldve gone by now, but the govt by not commencing certain parts of the judicial council bill have now made a woulfe shaped rod for their own back. the fact that he took a silk with him into see denham indicates that he doesnt see it as a resigning matter.

That article either misses the crux of many of the points in that case or is happy to obfuscate the issues a bit to create an angle on the issues that isnā€™t there.

Yes, I know, I had read it before commenting.

wasnt necessarily putting it there for your attention as id presumed that youd read before. just for context for other who may be interested and may want a look

Fair enough. Do you not think the article tries to create suggestions in relation to Woulfe that arenā€™t substantiated in the judgment?

A judge in cork relatively recently clung on despite being caught with a ballymaloe of child pornography iirc?

you mean curtin??

i wouldnt say nearly 15 years ago is recent

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tenuous, at best

It is from here

Woulfe is an innocent mon

Susan Denham blocked the DPP from trying George Gibney while her brother was Georgeā€™s barrister. This is small beer in comparison.

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Everybody will be too hot and bothered about the state exams cock up to even notice this. Phil Hoganā€™s misfortune was probably that this all blew up in a slow news week and about the only week there wasnā€™t some other government calamity or crisis erupting.

A victory for common sense from the law library.