Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

dura lex, sed lex

Edward Walsh SC and Constance Cassidy SC are also both robed up for this. Arenā€™t they they husband and wife team from Lissadell House?

I donā€™t know

Willie Penrose has a junior brief as well, I see for Donie Cassidy.

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they are indeed

Yes, the Lissadell House couple, Miriam Lord called them Irelandā€™s foremost libertarian law practicers or something like that

Constance is the Number 1 licensing expert in the country, I believe?

Is it really necessary to have a cast of Senior Counsel for a regulatory prosecution like this?

Senior Counsel are needed when there are escaped goats to herd.

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season 5 GIF

[quote=ā€œChairmanDan, post:1446, topic:32273, full:trueā€]
Willie Penrose has a junior brief as well

An oxymoron if there ever was one. Willie, God bless him, would do serious damage at a carvery.


Does Donies wig have separate representation?


This is some waste of money. They should have funded them 50k each and let them appeal it after that if they wanted to.

He has a relatively new one, one that reflects his advancing years.
Heā€™s morphed from a foxy one to more a badger look.
He, no doubt, retains all the cunning of your pet fox.

Woulfie was giving evidence today I believe

As weā€™ve seen from denhams report, woulfie has serious credibility issues

Donie is one of the in laws best friends heā€™s some operator I can tell you, over 20 years ago we were at a wedding in his company and he was asking me how I was getting on small talk etc I mentioned about the train service to Dublin as I was commuting and how it was frequently late breakdowns etc. Lo and behold about 2 weeks later I get a letter with the harp on it from the bould Donie letting me know heā€™d raised my concerns with the CEO of Irish Rail and what wonderful things were in the offing. This was just before the GE in 2002 when he unseated his ā€œcloseā€:rofl: colleague the school marm from Athlone who was Minister for Transport at the time.


He appeared proactive and captured the vote ensuring election.
I have grave doubts if the rail link improved but at least he appeared interested.
20 years on 166 of the duds are repeating this heartwarming exercise.

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Theyā€™re hardly on the legal aid so at least itā€™s coming out of their own pockets and not yours. I wouldnā€™t imagine Michael McDowell, Constance Cassidy and Eddie Walsh would be slumming it out on legal aid daily rates.

If they win (which I suspect they might) they could bring a case of malicious prosecution and the whole is left with the bill?

The DPPā€™s office is independent and itā€™s the prerogative of the DPP as to whether it prosecutes based on the strength of the evidence.