Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone


Who’s this case of Malicious Prosecution going to be brought against?

They did actually more services track upgrades better trains Donie sorted it👍

That was then. This is now.

Mary Fahy won’t be long sorting these lawbreakers out

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I presume a summons was issued. The name of the garda on the garda who issued the summons

You’re talking nonsense now.


I can’t imagine that Judge Mary Fahy, Galway District Court or indeed any District Court in the land has seen such an august gathering of eminent Senior Counsel like this before.

It’s some laugh. This sounds like something that a newly qualified barrister out of college or even a Solicitor could handle.

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Sorry mister matlock

RTE news : All charges dismissed over Oirechtas golf dinner event

People will lose their shit over this :smiley:

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Hopefully Big Phil sues all the pricks who cost him his job.


This is going to hit curtain twitcher in chief @Lazarus very hard.

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So Big Phil had to handover the commissioners role on trade for nowt

Suppose we have Mairead McGuinness as commissioner for paper clips instead


thats pretty much guaranteed FFG wipeout next election.

nexct week theyll quietly reveal that leo wont be charged

I think now that restrictions are gone, the impact will be lessened

i doubt it. both merriongate and golfgate were let them eat cake moments


They may well be wiped out but nobody gave a fuck about this case except RTÉ


Paddy just a laughing stock over this. A political colossus like Big Phil hounded out of the plum Trade Commissioner portfolio for nothing.

McGuinness was on Morning Ireland this morning, screeching over God knows what. A lightweight.


You’d imagine all charges relating to the Covid nonsense will be thrown out now too?

And in still checking vaccine certs :roll_eyes: