Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Big Phil would have softened Vladimir’s cough fairly lively.


Valdimirovich will be quaking in his boots if he’s tuning into Primetime.

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Until vlad got the cheque book out

Ear to the Ground is her level, completely out of her depth


That’s a real feel good story about Big Phil in the Paper of Record today. Absolutely coining it on the consultancy work since Paddy hounded him out of office for eating his dinner indoors instead of outside.


Harris presumably only keeping the seat warm in a caretaker capacity for a returning Big Phil.


It was a bit more than that. Driving around the country ignoring COVID restrictions, being stopped by the Gardai for using his mobile while driving and lying at every turn while more and more details I what he was doing became public.

And also lying repeatedly to Ursula who eventually lost faith in him so he had to go.

Phil is done with the whole lot. He’ll not be seen again.

Sounds like he’s the one with some dirt on leo

I hear Harris has been paying big Phil for coaching for the last two years to get ready for the big job. Apparently Phil has some consultantcy

If Big Phil is throwing his considerable weight behind Simon, then i may need to do a 180 on my comments around Simon yesterday.

Big Phil did nothing at Chelsea lads. Bear that in mind

Harris’ decision making capabilities already being brutally exposed.

Like Phil’s career the website looks half done.

Some head of hair on big Phil back in the day.

A beautiful man

The man who made shit of septic tanks

Those were some days when Matt cooper was breaking news to tell us Phil had travelled through Roscommon on the way to Galway from Kildare

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Big Phil getting caught out daily telling so many lies about his movements that Ursula decided he couldn’t be trusted so he got the door.

We’ve never recovered from not having his ‘influence’ working for us in the EU.