Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

He always reminds me of a fella who would be eating the “sweet” after dinner. Trifle or cake and the likes with tea.


And having the soup beforehand

The whole lot. Like, he loves having the gut, and the dinner meetings, and being a politican, so it’s an excuse to go to functions and have big dinners and pints, and farts at the hotel bar.


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No economic Commissioner portfolio for Paddy.

Things have really slipped since the days when Big Phil was running the show in Brussels.


Devastating news. We can all see how important that role was and to lose it is just awful

It’s a shame Phil messed it up for himself with all his rule breaking and repeatedly lying to the boss.

Paddy getting all hot bothered over a load of nothing.


We’ll have to make do with eu justice commissioner role.

Who would be the uk’s counterpart?

Would he be dealing with the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper?

Michael McGrath on the Week in Politics here trying hard to talk up his dud Commissioner posting. He’s going to put manners seemingly on Orban in Hungary.