Planning applications

Does anyone know anything about this? Preferably in Co Galway.

Yes, in the middle of it, God help me.



Me too

Have a meeting today with planner that rejected my application last January. Four fucking months to get a half hour meeting. I’ll be bringing my shit eating spoon.

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Used to be the case that if you wanted to build a free standing house within 10/15 (can’t remember the exact) miles of the city you had to show you were from within that boundary, they introduced that in the late 90s to stop blow ins dotting the countryside. So make out your current home address is where you grew up if possible. I did hear of lads selling the right, ie putting their name forward on someone else’s plan, but you could only apply for one ever. Also there used to be an architect in Gort who could guarantee your application fully if you used him, but he’s since retired unfortunately.

This is the case across most of the county now. Even though I own the farm I want to build on, and we’ve been here for generations, she wanted a letter from my fucking school to prove I’m from the area.

I’m only going for planning on an extension so hopefully it shouldn’t be too bad. Only fear is that they will make me re-do the septic tank and associated works. It’s working fine but is about 50 years old.

it used to be completely crooked in there, the worst in the country I was reliably informed before by a neighbour who dealt land with several county councils. I think they’ve switched to the other extreme since. Best of luck.

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Same all over the country. I believe they have brought in a lot of “foreigners” too, around this region anyways and they had fuck all else to be doing during the recession so when they did get the odd planning application in they went through them with a fine tooth comb.

Will it be a permanent residence or a second home? A mate who has a house in Limerick city had serious hassle get planning in the country as he already had a house.

You’re from Limerick you cunt.


How big of an extension are you proposing that you need planning permission?

Bigger than the amount which is exempt from planning


La di Dah…


Thats clearly not at work in Cork anyway. Houses popping up all over outskirts with urbanites moving out.
Busier for those houses than i ever remember. Thankfully the block building seems to have stopped/slowed.



So Dublin are off in a brand new bubble of their own, 3 bedroom bogstandard houses all squished up on top of eachother being built there again so I’m told. No facilities fuck all. 585,000 starting prices, and their being let get away with it.

As long as the rent keeps going up, myself @mac and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be happy.