
You know perfectly well its a serious reply. Fair play for not letting yourself down by defending him. But your response illustrates the hypocrisy, you claim to be concerned about offence and Bloody Sunday, but can’t call out something that’s genuinely offensive.

But you’re not answering the question you claimed to, I was looking to hear about personal reactions, or that of TFK as a group.
Martins got nothing to do with it in fairness

I see. You were looking for some specific type of reaction that doesn’t include me saying I didn’t find it as offensive as Martin’s behaviour? That comparison isn’t allowed or something because any mention of bloody sunday must be framed in some uncontroversial polite platitude? That’s the way it’s been for years so don’t worry about it. You’re some cynic at the bottom of it all

It’s just completely irrelevant with all due respect.
It wasn’t an answer to my question in the least.
I asked what would be the reaction if Carr had said the same about Bloody Sunday, I may not have been specific enough for you but I was wondering how the public would perceive it, it had nothing at all to do with MM in Derry last week. I haven’t followed that anyway so I do r know what you’re talking about.

If you find Martins behaviour offensive that’s absolutely fair enough, but it doesn’t relate to my hypothetical question, I’m sure you can see that

I can see that you’re suddenly inventing some rule of engagement where no-one is allowed to make a comparison to illustrate a point…simply because your opinions are much more important than anyone being offensive.
If you’re not man enough to call out his cynicism then please don’t use Bloody Sunday as some dodgy rhetorical device, or the Roma for that matter

@glenshane , this is the question you insist you’ve answered by going on some rant about Michael Martin, I’m completely lost.
I do not actually even know what he did in Derry last week to comment on I’m afraid, but you’re perfectly entitled to your rage.
You said you answered this question, you most certainly didn’t , now you’re acting like I’m the one deflecting :grinning:

Read the original question again and explain to yourself how you answered by claiming that MM’s actions were more offensive, it’s not a competition, we can’t discuss everything at once :man_shrugging:

You can be sure all the bleeding hearts finding grievances with the Roma joke would be the first to object if a Roma family were moved in next door to them.

That’s precisely why Carr felt it was safe to make that gag, an awful lot of people would laugh openly at it, Roma are despised, just like Irish travellers

So you can’t grasp someone saying a joke about Bloody Sunday wouldn’t be as offensive as Martins cynical electioneering? I find you hard to believe

No, you have me wrong.
The two are unrelated, you said you answered my question but you just asked me a different question which I admit I cannot answer.
I wasn’t interested in your take on MMs visit to Derry, I asked a completely different question, which you haven’t and presumably won’t answer, so we should leave it at that.

I find obvious electioneering which preys on peoples grief as disgusting, but I don’t know the facts and I suppose high ranking politicians are expected to attend all sorts of things

What was the Roma joke that Carr said?

500k was a good start

Carr is an animal … he had a vile joke -how do you make a gay man have sex with a woman …’shit in her c*nt’ …

Looked up the joke there. It was of bad taste at worst.

Aye. They’ve been conspicuously absent and silent for the last 50 years, but now that Sinn Fein are a threat they feign interest.
I made a simple comparison, one which you understand but won’t acknowledge. Making windy noises about Bloody Sunday only lasted long enough for you to be called out.
Now fuck off.


How are the Roma community comparable to the events of Bloody Sunday? It’s a ridiculous argument.

Would you not read your posts back and realise that lads like you are the problem?

That you are everything you claim to rail against?

The posts above are the posts of a genuinely intolerant extremist, they’re filled with cliches, buzzwords and straw men.

Like I mean this morning you were celebrating the vandalising of a memorial in Glasnevin Cemetery.

Last week you were eulogising that insane “convoy” yoke in Canada which is organised by the far right. I left you an article which listed the details of the far right stance of the organisers.

Not a peep in response from you.

The Holocaust isn’t comparable to Bloody Sunday?

Fellas who slate Bono for being a tax dodger lining up to defend that wanker Jimmy Carr.

Lads like you never gave a fuck about the victims of Bloody Sunday.