
Talkback/radio ulster discussed the Carr joke there. A lad from ‘The New Internationalist’ magazine condemned the joke, and highlighted an incident in the Czech Republic where a Roma man died in an incident which mirrored the George Floyd case. The ultra woke presenter showed no interest in the plight of the deceased, moving on instead to discuss implications of jokes about members of the lgbtq ‘community’, issues regarding freedom of speech, the argument for cancellation etc. In other words fuck the Roma while we signal our virtue and clamour for cancellation. Carr has these bastards off to a tee, and he’s right not to pay any heed to their faux outrage


We’re headed for hell in a handcart, very little middle ground these days, previously reasonable people moving in spades over to the far right or ultra liberal (left doesn’t fit)

Jimmy Carr is now a hero because of that ‘joke’ which is funny on no level really

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Its the interpretation of the definitions that have changed and the seemingly cavalier attitude used in branding people as far left or far right. Its not something that was this common until last few years. So called liberals don’t appear to be very liberal and in fact authoritarian. An example of this is Justin Trudeau. Anyone questioning mainstream media or consensus then is far right. Its an effort to shutdown debate before it can happen due to discomfort felt by some in their ability or propensity to back up their points or position. I had to laugh when I saw Russell Brand branded as far right. In reality this paradigm doesn’t really exist much in real life and only on platforms like Twitter but seems to be more commonplace now amongst so called fact checking agencies and mainstream media outlets.


I have nothing in common with either side of these debates, but I feel like I’m on a minority.

Don’t forget Bernie Sanders, he’s far right too

They left Bernie off the list. For “balance” as Joe Rogan supported Bernie in 2020.

Who ever said Bernie Sanders was right wing, seems like you’re making stuff up now

The joke wasn’t particularly funny but it was shocking and provocative enough to wind up a bunch of hypocrites. It wasn’t directed at the roma community

You’re not. You are in the majority.

A lot of left and right commentary is this mirroring of the 2 party system in the US. There is no in between or nuance and you belong to one camp or another. Before you could be pro abortion, anti gun, pro Obamacare and could sleep easy at night knowing you were probably a card carrying democrat. Throw in anti vax mandates into that aforementioned mix and you will be branded far right. That’s where the discussion is right now. The left is a cult where no dissenting views are tolerated. In Ireland there is a middle ground but also in Ireland these labels are entering political parlance as well as the media. We need to be careful here and not import another country’s ideologies or social issues no matter how often Journal.ie or other outlets spin the argument.


He was a bit naive if he felt the Roma community wouldn’t have been informed of it,
Bad joke, bad taste, good career move though :man_shrugging:
Wouldn’t mind reading a story in a newspaper of some Roma guy giving Jimmy a few digs for his trouble. That’d be proper justice.
Did anybody answer the question posed yesterday of what we would think of he had said the plus side of Bloody Sunday was that a load of Irish nationalists were killed, it’s an interesting comparison

All your argument is based on people being labelled far right, doesn’t the same happen with people being labelled as ‘woke’, which is what I’m often accused of for some reason, usually because I am very anti racist

Your entitled to your opinion on the joke, I’ve always liked Carr. I agree completely with your point though. There seems to be no middle ground where we can agree or disagree if we like something without ideology. I couldn’t care less if you like Carr or not doesn’t change you as a person

As am I but I wouldn’t call myself woke and not sure why you are. I think people should refrain from ascribing labels to people and evaluate each point on its merits.


Did you hear much talk from the roma community? I’ve heard plenty of thoughtful individuals suddenly mentioning the roma community, for the first time…the same people who wring their hands about the slavery of two hundred years ago but happily sit in their hybrid whilst some Romanian slave washes it. A load of bollocks, Carr just fired a hand grenade into the smugness of it all.
And he’d come in for plenty of criticism if he made a joke about Bloody Sunday. That cynical non-entity Micheal Martin would be first to issue condemnation…sure didn’t he arrive up to derry a week ago? Rediscovering his inner tiocfaidh, now that sinn fein are a threat. That was far more offensive that some joke by some wind-up merchant.


The Roma are perhaps the most voiceless community in the western world, but they condemned it through gypsy/traveller organisations, are you suggesting that they’d be cool with it?

What exactly are you saying above, who are these people, what hand wringing etc?

That’s about it. Everything is reduced to an ideology or to absolutes… when anyone with half a brain knows the real world doesn’t work like that… Yet people get in to a fury defending one side over another. 20 years ago you wouldn’t have heard Carr’s joke or Joe’s chat show if it didn’t interest you, but now, if someone farts in Brasil they are arguing about the ethical ramifications of it within minutes and everyone has an opinion. There’s so much anger stemming from so called liberals it’s genuinely worrying. The internet has given them a platform to express themselves but in truth it just further triggers them until they are raged. At least the right know they are cunts.

We are 100% subscribing to the current American media output of polarization and real debate is suffering.


You know rightly what I’m saying. They’re entitled to be offended by it but they’re being well drowned out.
You got your answer about bloody sunday btw

Who answered on Bloody Sunday, I genuinely missed that, can you point me??

I’d be fairly sure he’d have many death threats which would be roundly supported here, but I don’t think he’d be brave enough

There you go. Which would you find more offensive?


I was hoping for a serious reply😀
That’s just an excuse to lambast the Taoiseach, there’s loads of places to do that,