
I see Spotify are sponsoring Barcelona now - 236m for 3 years - shirts and stadium.

Camp Nou Spotify

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More than a club eh?

Great points

Great listen


Very good.

@ChairmanDan won’t like it.

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Won’t like what?

The podcast two posts up you gowl.

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I watched it the other night but didn’t finish it. He was going on about New York and I switched on something else.

Very good podcast up to that point though.

Protestant grandfather I thought was interesting.

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Not uncommon

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This could have been posted to several threads…

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This is excellent. I’m still none the wiser though


Jesus Epstein is a massive pain in the hole. He wouldn’t be as sound as the sleep fella walker. Something very annoying about his whiny voice and joe wowing away. He seems to be suggesting being biased against trump is a bad thing. I’d gladly take my life being controlled if that fluffy headed cunt fucked off permanently

Another twist in the long standing Woolie v OTB blood feud.

The Netflix documentary will be fascinating


Woolly doesn’t like lads moving for money …


He’s right to be miffed but he should see it as the compliment it is. OTB went out of their way to have a cut off him. Better that than the alternative. He’s had a great few weeks. Good on him.