
Mate, you’re taking bread from the mouth of a FOTF.

Just getting into the first part of a Behind the Bastards about Henry Kissinger and apparently he was not a good soccer player in his youth but did devise catenaccio style tactics for his team.

He’s back

Lads wont like it though. Trust me- i spelled all this out for @Malarkey , @Tim_Riggins @balbec etc. They simply couldn’t cope.
He starts with the obvious comparison between post ww1 germany and post cold war russia, and American foreign policy, nato expansion etc. He also outlines how honest experienced politicians made it absolutely clear that the implications of such greed, aggression and meddling would be catastrophic- for Ukraine in particular. Clearly Susan Kissinger etc were justifying putins 2022 invasion of Ukraine when they spelled it out in 2008.

Himself and scott horton go into a lot more detail here:

How fascinating that lads here are listening agog to an actual fascist.



Always food for thought but he leaves a lot out too

Thats only twitter bro. I wouldn’t be getting so worked up over it

There’s plenty more where that came from, bro.

The guy is an out and out fascist.

Facism is in the eye of the beholder these days. That said he’s appearing on Tucker next week so you could well be right

Listened to most of it earlier. No doubt, what happened economically to Russia in the wake of the fall of communism was fucked but the tone of it was mostly ‘poor, poor Russia, sure they never hurt a fly’.

Americans pump money into and interfere in global geopolitics? Well I never, no country has ever done such a thing before.

Only token thought for the people in Ukraine right now unless he did it at the end after I decided to leave it. Same in regard to Russia fears over NATO in the wake of the fall - no mention of the mindset of newly independent neighbouring states and whether they might have had a different idea of their own security than Russia did at the time.

He said at the start that he would try to be fair and balanced, I don’t think he quite hit that mark but then again, opinions will vary.


I know what a fascist is. Especially when somebody tells you straight out they are one. And Tucker Carlson is one too.




Agreed. He’s definitely lost the sense of balance that made his Israel thesis so great. A pity.

I think he is a bit blinkered around Russia, he absolutely despises communism and seems obliged to lean towards the modern state as it has to be better than the USSR. Always worth a listen though

Yep, that was a terrific series

How do you feel about echo chambers?

I like disturbing them.

Though a lot of posters around here who don’t like me have taken the Putin option and blocked out any opinion they don’t like.

It is rather fascinating to watch that.

Im still not right after his Antihuman pod, You’d think he might have learned a bit more from that himself

It certainly hasn’t bothered you one bit.

This reply doesn’t make any sense.