
I thought Wooly was an average footballer. Never stood out much for Portlaoise.

He grew his hair long two years after oasis were popular so he’s defined a maverick in some peoples eye whereas Steven poacher who tried to rip up the game plan to frustrate teams is an ape. The superficial nature is fascinating to watch


Poor enough poster on here too truth told.


He gave it the big one after beating Cross in the Club Semi and forgot there was a Final still to be played.

Fairly sure he was pricking around Parnell’s then by the time of the Kilmurray Ibrickane debacle in 2010.

That’s an incredible amount of knowledge to have of a lad in early teens :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wollie isn’t that young. Sure didn’t he win a Minor in 1996 and I presume it was his last year. He was late teens by then.

But how does he know when woolie grew his hair into an oasis style then?

He was but was a real livewire and pretty fearless in fairness to him …

“Guts” is a touch over the top here, it was a podcast not week in Ukraine fighting the Ruskies



I’d say it was a throwaway line, mate.

A bit like Colin in a jacks cubicle.

I hope so mate.

Anyone watch Keith Treacy podcast?

Will see if Wollie will give a discount if we make a bulk order

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Jaysus, he doesn’t look at all well

Gavin de Becker on Joe is an absolute banger


Absolutely. Is he gone anorexic or something?

Yes, it’s definitely worth a listen