
How much does he charge per sub?

Just listened to Duignan there. Powerful stuff.

Its almost like therapy session rather than a podcast series now.

The Christopher McKaigue story is fascinating stuff.

Working out at €6.15 a month inc VAT.

Wonder what the overhead costs are and how much he gives to the lads who help out. Serious earner though for a shite talker.

Landers never shuts up about the horsies


A Corkman speaking incessantly about Cork is a given.

Listening to Second Captains hurling preview

Jamie Wall gets his obligatory Simpsons reference in nice and early

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Had had one last week as well. Some man for The Simpsons.

Must be doing it for a bet, no one could be that unoriginal
He’s a decent listen in fairness (apart from that)

That Caolan Mooney from Down on Woolies podcast was a great listen. He didn’t hold back, cutting lads left right and centre.Very unlike any Gaa interviews you normally hear. He was just short of calling James McCartan shite.

When is the OTB podcast going up?


I can’t wait to see your TFK hoodie

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There is no “they” pal… that’s the problem for wooly…

OTB hurling podcast from last night is up live on youtube now.

Rouse’s podcast is probably the best out there when it comes to Gaelic football. He could lose Leen but hard to see that happening. Bryan Sheehan and Oisin are class as well, and Rouse is a bauld divil


Give us the gist of it there. 6.17 euros doesn’t grown on trees you know

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Niblock’s podcast is free.

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