
I didn’t listen but hope to bump into Marco and Teege in the Leop at the weekend.

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What happened?

It was a ‘part exchange’ deal common in the industry. You ‘part’ with your money in ‘exchange’ for worthless/useless I happen to already own.


Would he ever shut the fuck up about VAR. My god.

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Seen the screenshots. He seem to be in a spot of bother.

@Locke i finished stakeknife. Thought it lost a bit of momentum down the home stretch but still had some very poignant moments.

The British state have an awful lot of blood on their hands… and we don’t know the half of it.


I would say we don’t know a 1/10th of it pal. I liked the last few episodes.

Tied to a chair being tortured until you confessed to something you didnt do and then shot.

All the while the tans knew about it and let it slide unless the person was of some value to them.

It’s funny the dissonance between reading about these and then listening about them with the recreated scence and music.

There’s a good bbc doc up on YouTube about Fred from a good few years back… . I must try find it

I thought in most of them they had actually been informers but the dirtiness would come from the fact the Brits had put intolerable pressure on them to turn tout. Was there justification in them carrying out those kind of dirty tricks? Probably given the nature of the war but then there has to be an acceptance that a lot of what the ira did was justified too.
What does it mean for the British as a people that their actual government does things like that right up to modern times. What ever we say about the Irish state I don’t think they have actively harmed or killed people since the civil war.

Such as?

The people who started the Provos were vultures. You’d have more sympathy for the naive lads that came along a bit later who knew nothing else after events had taken their course, but fuck all of it was justified and it got the lot of Catholics in the north precisely nowhere.

It means we get endless streams of right wing wing bullshit and fake history because the truth becomes the enemy.

It must be silenced by a flood of right wing bullshit. Which a lot posters here buy into, including the guy you’re replying to, if you’re not his alter ego.

Fair play to the IRA for standing up to them in a lot of ways. Although they weren’t really able for the senior hurling aspect of it

You didn’t answer the question?

It was a mix but mostly non informers and then some that give little information. There were a couple of what you’d term big or proper informers and the rescue of one of them was one of the reasons it blew up.

The story of joe fenton is beyond tragic. Squeezed by the tans even tho they knew the IRA were closing in on him … used to the end and then onto the next one.

The tans created the provos, increased their numbers repeatedly and then murdered a number of largely innocent people to bring down the monster they created

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Nearly every resistance movement is eaten up from within. The tans knew this with their century’s of experience facing such movements. The ira weren’t professionals… such movements also attract sociopaths and others also become consumed with power.

In that context not many movements could live with the dirty tricks.

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Where Freddie Scappaticci ended up!! The ironing!!

Stapleton, inspired by Tipp’s early season form has recalled Verney from hiatus.

Signed up for a month.They are getting tedious enough.

Waste of time.


The OTB hurling pod is free and more informative I’d imagine.


Who’s the fella at the bottom