
Someone would want to tell him he can blur out the background

Just realised yer man Scaramucci believes JFK was killed in a conspiracy, listening to him talk to Dominic on TRIH.

Everyone surely believes the mob were there on the day?

Mossad killed JFK pal.

Founders pod is very good, albeit a little full on. This guy reads autobiographies and biographies of famous entrepreneurs and general fascinating people in history and does a review and lessons from the books in a solo podcast form. He’s fairly intense and he’s definitely a one of a kind podcaster but it’s a good listen. I listened to the one he did on Shackleton yesterday although easy to say that was good considering the book about the Endurance is one of the greatest books I’ve read.

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What book is that?

One in the pink, two in the stink


Audiobook is outstanding. Narrator even does different accents for the different diary accounts from the crew.


Wondery done a great one about them.Against The Odds is the Podcast name.

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Unbelievable book. I couldn’t put it down when I read it a few years back.


One in the pink, two in the stink?


If that’s not a sure sign that he’s a silly cunt.


TRIH lads are back with King Leopold II - no revisionism here, he was just a complete and utter cunt. Roger Casement makes an appearance in episode 3.


Have these lads done any episodes on the Bengal Famine or the Opium wars yet?

No, and you’ll be waiting.