
quoting tom Humphries


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Yes. A fiver a month or thereabouts.

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Really enjoyed Wrighty here. Some decent music choices too

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Its a fantastic show.The one with Stephen Merchant a few weeks ago was very good.Its a pity the music is so short on the podcast.


Heard an old one from Tony Adams yesterday from 2010. It was brilliant.


Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin is a very enjoyable listen. Just interviews with famous people from entertainment and politics

Rami Malek in Blackout.
About the collapse of civilisation.


Absolutely outstanding. You could arguably lump the brits and Zionists in with the nazis…and anyone else with the power to do what they wanted.
I’ve bought my last set of firestones anyhow.

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What’s the name of the podcast?

Just listened to that. Tony is an alright sort . He doesn’t do excuses or try to blame anyone else for his behaviour.

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It didn’t end too well for Jane Shea.

Here’s part 1 of 6

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Just googled her there . A sad story alright

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I listened to this earlier. Good times lie ahead, immorality is just around the corner and, if we can hold on for another 3-5 years we can probably live forever.
No mention of the corona virus mind you.
I hadn’t heard of Aubrey before so I googled him. His appearance caused me some concern, but early in the interview he reveals that his biological age is 10 years less than his actual age. Impressive enough, before then he lets slip that he gets tanked every day of his life on good beer and fine whiskey.


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The Nobody Zone

This is fascinating stuff. About an Irish Serial Killer operating in London from the 50s through to the 80s. His name is Ciaran Kelly and he is unsurprisingly from Laois cc @myboyblue. His favored, but not exclusive murder method was pushing lads under oncoming trains like Frank Underwood.


who the Fuck would want to live forever?

If it wasn’t for my wife and kid I’d probably do away with myself. This planet in this time is just disgusting.

I think it’s a fantastic enterprise. Maybe we’d have time to fix it…but eternity might be a bit much right enough.

Hell is living…

Go and buy yourself something nice

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