
Finally got around to listening to West Cork. Didn’t realise there was such a huge amount of English down there. This Marie Farrell woman should be in a padded cell

He’s got in at the top. Great business

Fair play to Blindboy this week calling out the major of Irish people as bootlickers to the medical junta. Accepting that the government is treating people like children in his faux psychology way. He’s been firmly under the bed through this whole thing.

Wait, which is he?

Under the bed but hating ffg and all the praise they are getting. Asking why the public aren’t questioning what happened in direct provision and nursing homes and claiming ffg have done a great job. He’s a fine example of the spectrum of tfk posters

So much belief in he’s opinions he has to wear a plastic bag over he’s face.

So he’s as much of a prick as always.

Good to know.

Good to know.

Is he next to you under the bed?

Yeah long and short of it. Was refreshing to hear sense from him. He’s interesting but he has been getting on my nerves with some of the shite he comes out with

You need to get out and get busy living.

He’s an awful wanker of a man. Some fellas around here treat him like a hero. I never understood it myself.

I was never in and not busy not living.

Ah yeah, shur look it, whatever it takes for you. Good man yourself.

It’s ok mate - I wont rub my victory in.

You’re very agitated. You might wanna check that sleep app. See if there’s a zen setting on it.

What app is this?

Blindboy’s an alright sort

He’s a prick

You could be run off the forum for this

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