
Joe Rogan has landed his foot in it with the Twitter mob and they are coming for him.

Been listening to the Eddie Lenihan podcast lately. Great stuff.

was just going to post about it. Hes getting attacked for calling people who wear masks bitches on his podcast last week with bill burr. Hes not fair wrong. I see they are dragging up jokes about serial harassment in Hollywood from 10 years ago. Again he wasn’t wrong, he knew what was going on then as we all do with weinstein et al

Yeah anything and everything is being thrown at him. I have listened to quite a few of his podcasts. There is a lot of resentment towards him for giving a platform to Jordan Peterson. Rogan comes across sometimes as having conservative views as well which might stick in the craw for some but he would also be fairly liberal as well with wanting to legalise some drugs. He is not a bad guy.

Unfortunately you cannot hold any deviating views from the woke liberals.


I listen to the odd one depending on the guest. Hes fairly balanced tbf but hes getting flack for endorsing Sanders who he had on and was a great interview last year. Hes questioning whether Biden is a good choice as Rogan is anti trump and wants him out.

He is a prick

Don’t you forget it

Why do you think that?

They’re anti science now too. Science is racist.

Science is anything you want it to be these days

Just downloaded them all on Spotify, never knew he had a podcast. Any particular episode or story you’d recommend first?

They are all reasonably short so just plough through them. The one about Biddy Early is good.

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Rogan is decent — He’s left on some things, right on others … like most of us.

Latest show touches on a lot of what’s fueling the unrest in the States currently… @ironmoth @maroonandwhite


Started that last night. Excellent listen

What’s it called?

“How’s it hanging?” with Eddie Lenihan

Have a listen to the podcast Weinstein refers to with his brother. Interesting yarn.

Have in pencilled in to listen to later. Rogan runs some great interviews so I’m hopeful it’ll be interesting

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Tell Me a Story with Eddie Lenihan