
Forced for a while now but this week is pretty shite and I’m out. Wonder if they are saving the best stuff for the paid one.

I must say I agree. Hector is an awful dose. Getting the same stories over and over. Needs to be the centre of attention.

It’s painful

They sold out, man.

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When you see things like this happen to seasoned pro’s it shows you how tricky the podcasting game can be.

Fair play to Woolie for keeping it fresh.

Podcasts based on pure and utter stream of consciousness shite talk only have a limited shelf life. Ricky Gervais copped that. His ones with Stephen merchant and Karl pilkington are the best I’ve heard.

Rickey Gervais :rofl:

Time for Jamie Heaslip to step up and give the people the podcast they are crying out for.


That was my reaction listening to them

Agree on Tommy Hector, left a few months back. It was too much shite talk.

Once they went paid for a second show i signed out.

A weekly “creative” podcast has a limited shelf life. Lads run out of ideas fairly quickly.

Interview based podcasts have more longevity although i find myself listening to podcasts less and less and to audiobooks more.

I worry that podcasts have become to men what Instagram influencers have become to women.


He changed the music and brought Paul Murphy in. Still using Damian Hayes for a bit of filler though.

And that ignoramus from Mayo with the big stupid laugh

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I always enjoy listening to him questioning Michael Ryan about the media ban when it comes on the intro or between segments.

“No such thing as a media ban we don’t have a media ban”

“Ah ya do…”


Cheddar is a loss to Woolie’s podcast.


Won’t be long till he’s back judging by results.

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Cheddars grand where he is

Only listened to one episode but BBC NI podcast on GAA was good
Thomas Niblick and Oisin McConville
Will listen to episode where our next President, Joe Brolly was a guest

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QC Joe got very tasty in that

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He has a real Kilkennyman on the pod now. He doesn’t need a Kilkenny shill.