
Neil Degrasse Tyson is brilliant. Watched that cosmos series it’s unbelievable. He grew up in shit part of the bronx and became what he became makes him even more impressive

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Indeed - he’s co hosts on Star Talk are excellent too, mostly Chuck Nice, down to earth sorts and good craic. you should listen to these, there’s loads of them and an amount of learning to be had

This is very good

The latest from NDGT. Einstein was literally a genius - the universe moving faster than the speed of light, savage stuff

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Listening to a podcast called The Dropout, about the Rise and Fall of Theranos. Decent listen.

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I just done a quick wiki …they got huge investment in around 2003 and it was only from 2016 people began asking questions ?

Ya, they are on trial for fraud now.

For about 10 years they kept attracting massive investment. Their board was made up of serious politcal heavy hitters, like Henry Kissenger, George Shultz and James Mattis

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Was she a fraud or just batshit mental?

The deep voice is bizarre.

I’d say it most likely didn’t start out at as a fraud, but very quickly she was in over her head, with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line.

Roman period across the pond is fantastic, pity they picked the wrong island

Alice Roberts brings it agus me fein to life

Yeah that’s the vibe I got too - definitely a touch of sociopath off her though

She just had a well timed baby too

The book is outstanding. Bad blood. Wonder is there much new in the podcast for me

I doubt it there’s much in it for anyone familiar with the case already. Although I think the later episodes will deal with the more current court stuff.

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Listening to this at the moment.


Oh yes.

Vincent Hogan on the wrong side of history again.

Started listening to this. Could listen to Paul Kimmage all day

Himself and the Dunph on the ball

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Thats a fucking brilliant piece. Kimmage is a great listen. Paul Howard has been an incredible loss to sports journalism on this island.