
Does Howard just solely focus on Ross O’C Kelly these days?

He’d surely get well paid to do a decent feature for the Sunday papers on occasion

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He does, he has a few other irons in the fire too, like the Gordon Darcy kids books, but Ross is the main deal for him nowadays. He was a great sportswriter but I’d say he had his fill of it.

This is a fantastic listen

Begrudgers is all they were called back then.As Kimmage said,I’m not into fairy tales I’m a journalist.

“Monsieur le journaliste” as the French cycling pros used to call Kimmage after he published the first book

Michelle is the victim here. Came under influence of her husband you have to feel. She was clean before she met him.

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Just how “meteoric” was her rise? was she a complete also ran who then met the hubby and suddenly was shaving seconds off her time or was she on track to be able to compete with the best and went up a step?

Very meteroric. She started winning medals in events she never even participated in before.

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This is a brilliant podcast. Kimmage has disappeared up his own hole in recent years. No harm in remembering how good he was around this time. Paul Howard seems like a very decent and humble man. Even Vincent Hogan carries himself well and is honest enough to admit he got it badly wrong and makes no excuses for himself.


Ah twas off the charts. If you haven’t listened to it, you should, it covers it pretty well.

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Is the third episode out ?

'listen, I wouldnt have had a clue what this meant, but if you were in the swimming community and were paying attention, you’d have asked yourself, “what the fuck is going on here” ’

Classic Kimmage

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Humphries was one of the first to start questioning her achievements iirc

Gary O Toole knew the score.

Poor auld Gary had a rough time of it

What about the journalists Paul?

The journalists can go fuck themselves and do their fucking job

If they were fucking damaged then thats the least they deserve

I hope they fucking woke up.

Like him or hate him, he’s a fucking legend.


Vincent Hogan saying himself and Kimmage didn’t say a civil word to each other for 20 years!

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Ireland is swimming podcast series country.

No wonder Howard jacked it in

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Not a podcast but might be of interest to @TreatyStones et al

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