

Could have really done a two parter with him.

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There is so many of these. best podcast no doubt


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I can’t stand that James English cunt

he’s a cheese ball alright but yer man had a good few yarns

Sometimes he interviews these scumbags and it’s complete car crash, they can’t even string a sentence together and he spends an hour agreeing with them

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oh yeah big time. This bloke I enjoyed . A fella you’d like to be stuck beside on a long train journey with a beer or two

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I’ll give it a listen on my run tomorrow, your reputation is on the line….

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This bloke wasn’t bad in fairness ,

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Bill Gates something something…
Bizarre stuff altogether

OMG, people pay for positive news coverage?
This is outrageous. Next we’ll hear there is a whole industry built around this.

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I’m surprised at you. You don’t see an issue with investing in an inferior medical product, controlling the reporting of the product in supposedly peer reviewed medical journals and seeing people in poor countries dying as a result? To give one example…

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Did you get around to it? I downloaded the sample chapters of yer man’s book Scally and it’s pretty shite. Firm A “tool” the Builders Arms. Firm B fair play stood up and fought back etc etc. Shite talk as he said himself.

Jimmy Dore is a good listen. Gas man.
(He is way to the left of my right of Trump leanings)

I listened to it there and enjoyable. Good humoured and affable sort of guy. The story about tourettes is brilliant!

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That’s the only one I’ve listened to so far. You’d need your head examined to be paying any heed to the likes of rte or bbc. Bbc radio has some decent historical, cultural, entertainment content…but even that’s being politicised- old episodes of the food programme are full of interviews with famous chefs, explorations of ‘foreign cuisines’, gut health (!) etc. Nowadays it’s cooking in a pandemic, lab grown meat and another forms of misery.
Rte is for fuck all…a clatter of claires and Joannes for the dumb demographic


Forgot about that. That was funny. The Jeremy Kyle story as well.

I’d say he has plenty more too. Liked how he came across as just a normal bloke. No air of the bigman or image posturing from him.

Second book may be better than first as seems he’s got licence to tell his story in full and not just focus on football brawls. Be an easy read too you’d imagine

Louis Theroux podcast is good. Again just pick and choose the guests you are interested in.

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