Poll: Vaccine Uptake

You think it may present a risk for mothers to be? That’s a genuine cause for concern with a baby boom coming

The answer is I dont know. If I was a women , I would certainly wait to make sure.

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Report back on that

There won’t be too many in the 60+ age group

I’d like @fenwaypark to start calling it a quackccine, and see how you react then.

After 3 episodes, she has it at 10/10, I have it at 7 myself but it’s definitely got some serious scope for getting better and better. Its ambitious, a cross between Mad Men, A Beautiful Mind and The Hustler but no where near the sum of those parts (How could it be in fairness?) but has the potential to be great in its own way yet. Yer wan is great in the lead role

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Strange sign off there, I just caught the end, Sarah was talking to a doctor about the vaccine generally, as she was thanking him she interrupted herself to say ‘by the way if you get those numbers by the end of the show can you get back to us with them, the number of people who have been vaccinated to date’

Are we to believe that RTÉ are waiting by the phone for some guy to ring them with the figure? They can’t find out for themselves

You’d have to be a lunatic or extremely desperate to take any of these vaccines.


And when the sun is shining you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, it’s a great country

Complete lunacy, if you’re fit and well. How many of the 377 do these nutters think the vaccine will save…especially since 328 of them were hit by buses

We need to ban stairs.

And breathing

You can do anything with statistics

How many people died because of statistics?


No short cuts

Thats generally how RTE journalism works. They wait by the phone for a Government press Secretary to ring them with the story.


For those who have had the virus have they to take the vaccine or is having it before good enough deterrent for virus the next time? How long will natural antibodies work?

I don’t think anybody knows

17 years for sars 1 apparently…