Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster (now incorporating videos)

That should be in the Louvre

Deserves a nice post at least.

Aboriginals?/weird phrase

Thereā€™s no way @flattythehurdler would have got the wireless hooked up to the compooter. Unless Jeeves has trained up on the EyeTee.

Looks like Fagan and the nephew out for the dayā€¦

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Take your pickā€¦


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Weā€™re going to end up the same.Blockheads from Eastern Europe getting jobs and they canā€™t speak 2 words of English.We should do what the Aussies do-Basic literacy exam.Fail it and fuck off.

The country is infested with them

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Your centre parting has a real natural look @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Australia wasnā€™t founded on basic literacy. A betrayal of their history.

I know that but it would make Ireland a better place and attract a better standard if it was in place here.And thatā€™s for sure.

Iā€™ll give you an example-Theres a care for the elderly place that hires people in to stay and mind people that are of that age and need help,located near where I work.About a year ago,I had an eastern European approach me on foot,waving a piece of paper looking for directions to an interview that from what I read,he was late for.
Not a single word of English.

And some people think itā€™s right to be allowing that into Ireland? And an unscrupulous employer hiring him and putting him in to give ā€œCareā€

The last thing any of our elders need is some lad spluttering at the end of their bed and not having a bulls notion of whatā€™s needed.

Sure the majority of us donā€™t even speak our own language.

What if a person only speaks Irish and not English? Whatā€™s your stance on that?

So why donā€™t the micks do the jobs so?



Did u hook up with one of them or what? No other reason for that response.
Either that or youā€™re a woke cunt and if so,kindly fuck off

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Canā€™t get a chance with all the ā€œplease me jobā€ crowd making the chicken fillet rolls and such

Thereā€™s an auld one of about 60 over from Poland just after starting in my local deli.

Try and give your order to her (with a mask on,I might add) and tell me how u get on.You might as well be speaking Klingon FFS!

How far would you have to walk from that deli to find a house full of native oirish that would sooner sit on their holes than take that work, or any other work?