Post clips of your sporting highlights


YouTube - Cheerio 10 in a row- what a day

YouTube - Gabriel Egan’s Stuttgart 1988 Commentary

YouTube - Bohs 0-2 Shamrock Rovers

YouTube - Odra Wodzislaw 1-2 Shamrock Rovers

YouTube - Trent Dilfer and 2001 Super Bowl champs RAVENS

YouTube - International Rules Fights 2006

Here’s mine.


<object width=“425” height=“344]<param name=“movie” value=”
hl=en&fs=1]<param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true]<embed src=”
hl=en&fs=1" type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“425” height="344]



love this









Sport from Mankind aka Mick Foley the likes of which I have never seen before or since:

[z91D6OsZ6LY[/media]eature=related"]YouTube - Undertaker vs Mankind - Hell In A Cell]([media=youtube)

Isnt WWE entertainment as opposed to a sport? I mean how can it be a sport when the results are set beforehand?


What a goal by Lambert - amazing to think this is nearly 11 years ago now:
[L8J0X1fxkQM[/media]eature=related"]YouTube - Paul Lambert v Rangers 1998]([media=youtube)

Wexford’s 1996 All Ireland victory homecoming:
[S_U4gwcQoMs[/media]eature=related"]YouTube - Winning Runs scored by Ireland v Pak match]([media=youtube)

Donati’s last gasp winner against Shakhtar last season:
[QrpJpmecOJA[/media]eature=related"]YouTube - CELTIC 2-1 shakhtar donetsk]([media=youtube)

probably the greatest hattick i have ever seen…rivaldo was some player in his day…


what a game…what a team…what a result…even sweeter than 1995


EDIT: forgot to mention lynchs flick to jamsie for the winner(6 minutes and 3 seconds in) is a superb bit of skill and never gets the credit it deserves…

Thought they could’ve shown a couple more replays of that overhead kick.

probably…still some goal…

Sarcasm puke, they showed about 15 replays!

Dear oh dear.

Maurice Fitz’s point against the dubs. Sideline ball, half way line, last kick of the game, in front of stand full of screaming dubs. Some point, some man

Some more recent footage here. Wexford v Armagh, my gaa highlight of 2008

YouTube - Wexford V Armagh All Ireland Football Quarter final 2008

[quote=“Jugs”]Sarcasm puke, they showed about 15 replays!

Dear oh dear.[/quote]

i was well aware of that juggernaut:rolleyes:…

dear oh dear…

I wonder. I really do.

Padjo, you left out Tommy Carr whispering sweet nothings as well into his ear. Classy stuff from the dub.