Post Ewan McKenna

The Dublin doping allegations were unfounded?

They aren’t but they are easily dismissed because it’s him producing the evidence as he’s a confirmed bullshitter.

His antics on twitter have ruined his reputation.

That attack on Jim Gavin calling him 'odious, ‘nasty’ and a ‘disgusting sportsman’ was awful.

How can he taken seriously after that?

What were the doping allegations again?

I think people do listen though.

You are falling into the cowards trap of throwing the baby out with the bathwater here. If he says something wrong, then he should be pulled up on it, but that doesn’t automatically rule everything else he says out as wrong.

Unless you are a fool with no argument bar ‘shurrup use are only jealous’ hiding behind a mistake he made.

Ewan is the Gemma O’Doherty of journalism


I thought Gemma O’Doherty was the Gemma O’Doherty of journalism


I would be fairly confident the majority of people think Ewan is a head banger and not a reputable journalist.

Ok then. I’ll meet you half way. Ewan is the gender neutral Gemma O’Doherty of journalism

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I’d be confident the majority of people have no idea who he is. Twitter has kept him relevant but fucked him really as his outbursts mean he’s toxic for the mainstream. This is not a Gonzo era of flawed opinionators given a voice. We’re in the safe space zone of public interaction. He’s too niche to ever be much bigger than he is. Irish sports is a tiny market, McGregor was a fad really and I’m sure journalists with opinions on Brazilian soccer are ten a penny.

Ewan is the greatest journalist of his generation.


When ewan is having a go at the dubs he’s a great journalist. Most of the rest of the time I’d say he’s a ludraman


Ewan gives it big licks and gives out like fuck when he gets a bit back.

A one armed waiter


There’s lads on here who think Des Cahill and Martie Morrissey are reputable media figures. Anyone who doesn’t toe the line scares their closed little minds.

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Would he be making much from his freelance work and Twitter profile?

Ewan might be wide of the mark now and again but he ain’t afraid to shoot, that’s the difference. RTE is bland, safe and conservative… That’s the way a lot of lads like their journalists…clichés and a recap of what happened in a match.

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Don’t forget the twee isms and shots of a river.

It’s Ireland though, all the outrage over mother and baby homes as if they were on a hidden island off the coast no one knew of. Easier for sheep to just follow the safe majority line.

Has Ewan Phelipe Phelopped?

He won Irish sports journalist of the year. He was a part of the Sunday tribune team that produced a decent sports section. I’d say anybody that reads on regular basis or is interested in sports would have an idea who he is.

I’m fairly sure he has a book or two that have gotten plenty of awards.

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That’s it in a nutshell, he might miss with the swing more often than not ;but at least he isn’t one of those safe bland cunts that passes for the mainstream media

Ewan is the journalist the rest want to be. Call people out speak up for injustices. For years the fourth estate has lost its credibility by pandering to the politicians they should be exposing or creating click bate. We don’t deserve Ewan