Post Ewan McKenna

Thats the handball forum

How would he even find that? By googling himself continually?

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Not exactly hard find

Hello Ewan :wave:

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Id imagine he still looks in here.


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Yes. Not sparkling.

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He had a few run ins with the boss man alright

I hope i went easy on him


Ewan asking the tough questions again - FFS


That’s a very fair point he’s making there though

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is it, a school was happy to help out with emergency accommodation over the Christmas period & now things are back to the way there were & he wants to make a controversy about it/ask tough questions/turn it into a class war



I’d say the facilities in blackrock college would be far nicer but they didn’t choose to use that over the holidays for some reason. I think ewan is a complete cunt btw but he has a point here.

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a school willingly helped people in need over Christmas & now all is back to normal, the residents were informed & were happy

why turn this into a negative?


It’s not a negative for the school that provided accommodation …just for Blackrock?

Is one school privately owned and the other not?

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What? What in the name of jesus? Do you think they asked every school in the country and there was a nefarious push to put them in a ‘shitter’ school? How would that tally with people being housed in hotels in Killarney, supposedly Irelands premier tourist destination?


I know of a case over the summer where a community centre in a similar area was commandeered for refugees over a weekend with no consultation with residents. They were told local services were to be paused, drugs, old people, after schools etc. The local playschool was told to find new accomodations for the foreseeable. A big protest was organised and the decision was reversed.
If you think the government doesn’t try to railroad communities like this and force unpopular measues on them because they are seen as easy (non voting) targets you’re sorely out of touch with how politics and the state has always worked.
If you look into drimnagh one I’d say you’ll find again that it was an information vacuum that was the problem. It allows the loonies to spread the idea that the refugees were going to be still in the school when the kids return. They release a statement after it blows up instead of getting ahead of it telling the parents and community in advance what’s happening. It’s a lack of respect really


Given all that’s gone on at Blackrock recently it probably wouldn’t have been a great look to house a load of vulnerable people there over the holidays.