Post Ewan McKenna

You’ll have to go back and read what I actually said at the time.
Do your own research, as the man says.

You’ll need to crop that curry out of the picture or do the honourable and hand back those likes .

He told me he was comfortable and didn’t need money when he was threatening to sue TFK back in 2018.


The big story here is that Ewan has found a GAA forum with pagination.


What was he threatening to sue over? Likely defamation or some shit but what was the topic the falling out centred on?

You’ll have to bring any concerns around likes to the dedicated “Post Rating Dispute Resolution Thread” where I’m sure your report will be dealt with in a transparent and impartial manner by the adjudicator.


If @TreatyStones has it in a barbecue it belongs in a barbecue. Fall in!

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Ewan on the man bringing better transport & renewable energy to Ireland & also on the man trying to create division and bring us back to the troubles


Its almost like he’s trying to contrary on purpose to get a rise out of lads on the internet.

Where could one listen to Ewan talking to the wheelie bin king? What’s the pod called

Did he interview Ciaran Whelan as well?

He was going grand until he mentioned the serial gravy train merchant

This could be interesting…

Predictable if anything anyway

He’s set his sights on Lineker (obviously)

He’s incredibly predictable.

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Please throw up his contributions on here. Im not on twitter but enjoy his rants when i get to see them.

I’d say he’s been scouring the Twitter accounts of every professional contrarian dullard he can think of since Friday afternoon, looking for “angles”.

Here’s a predictable take,

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You’d strongly suspect that he thinks D-Day landings and the Soviets fighting to the death at Stalingrad should never have happened because “peace”.

It’s a fair point…who predicted it btw?