Post Ewan McKenna

Hard for them to come through with fire in their bellies though, they’d only be laughed at by the generation zen lads. We’d need a bunch of them with opposing views to find the place and tear into each other. It would be great sport. @rocko might think of leaving the tfk cards in a gym or at a tattoo parlour.


Funnily enough the exchange about literary merits etc reminded me of hbv. If that was a parody account it was a superb piece of work…he lobbed some hand grenades around the place regardless

Where was that

Only the Scouse Manc Footix rivalry and discussions on preferred cooking apparatus can engender genuine hatred on here these days :pensive:

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On the depression thread

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There’s a fierce bang of Kirk van Houten boasting that he sleeps in a big racing car off that.

Well done Ewan, you have some people talking about you on the INTERNET. You’ve also fucked your career down the toilet by having an eight year long public meltdown, that’s why people are talking about you.


I’m still at a loss after seeing a frying pan on a grill from a man and claiming it bbq’ing. Same man would say similar about choice of gas on a BBQ and he pulling out a frying pan???!!

Let’s have you @TreatyStones , I can’t let this ride any longer


It was a cast iron wok.

The meat was grilled on the bbq (as per the picture), as were the naans.

The lid was put on then to allow the sauce take in the smokey flavour.


Did you bbq a curry or not?

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I can think of 2 lads on here who will be delighted with that.

He is hardly writing for any publications these days? What’s he doing for a crust? TEFL?

Is the same players not what’s considered a golden generation?

Anyways you’ll be all over my bet for the leinster championship, sure you said yourself Dublin are back to the pre golden generation days. How much you thinking?

Did I say I bbq’d a curry ?

You put a picture of a curry on a BBQ in a BBQ thread so I’m asking the question??!!

Yes. Yes you did.

@TreatyStones could bbq a fucking salad. Now fall in ye cunts.

Looks like the boys are in the right thread

This one will have Ewan scratching the head.

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Looks like you weren’t!