Post Ewan McKenna

You are dealing with people with the psychological kink of believing that a measure is absolutely useless (“a waste of time”) if said measure does not work 100% efficiently in each and every case on each and every occasion. Being an adult means accepting this scenario rarely, if ever, happens.

The whole Covid sceptic phenomenon, as evident on TFK in capsule form, is a kind of crypto religious mania – same as the whole Trump phenomenon in today’s USA echoes earlier low church Christian manias. Stupid people want to be told there are simple solutions to complex problems. Then the clear eyed grifters move in, sensing their opportunity and moment.

History repeats itself because human nature, whatever the technological advancements, repeats itself.


Only one needed: do you actually think the government in 2020 believed pizza would “ward off” Covid? What do you mean by that phrasal verb?

I never mentioned pizza, i said a 9.50 meal.

The whole substantial meal thing was a load of bollocks

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Why? Tell me the grounds for that assessment, since you are so emphatic on the point.

Every CMO in the world was under the most severe pressure at the time of Covid. Tony Holohan’s wife was dying and then died during Covid,

Yet it seems that everyone thinks he’s fair game for the most vile abuse. Now we are seeing a random rumour being pulled up that is more than likely complete bullshit…. just shocking stuff.


Ah no it worked a treat

The 9 euro meal, time limits and capacity limits had clear logic. They were put in place to allow establishments to trade on a limited basis so they could survive as going concerns, to give people some sort of outlet of enjoyment, but also as a barrier to people coming in and getting sloshed in packed pubs which was the perfect breeding ground for the virus.

It’s grimly hilarious that headbangers are still shrieking about this 19 months after all restrictions were lifted.


Made sense, while it was felt that groups of people drinking all night in the pub was a bad idea they offered the pubs a small lifeline while trying to ensure that nobody took the piss, obviously people took the piss all over but that’s always going to be the way,

The 9e was arbitrary obviously but the laws are full of arbitrary figures


There was no logic.

They actually spread Covid.

Didn’t holahan host anti booze conference the week the whole place shut down too?

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The logic was to attempt to strike a balance between stopping the spread of the virus and giving a lifeline to businesses and an outlet to people.

It didn’t work, particularly in the pre-Christmas 2020 period, but there was logic behind it. The mistake was that it wasn’t draconian enough and gave too much leeway to the virus to spread.

There are headbangers here who genuinely believe they have all the answers to all the world’s problems, but know the square root of fuck all about anything, especially Covid.



A clear inability to look at the bigger picture.


There was no logic.

It was crazy to close certain pubs and leave others open.

All it was truth be told was Martin Afraid to tell hoolahan to fuck off.

I wonder whether Art believes the Minister for Justice should have a bias against crime.

The current one certainly doesn’t seem to mind it anyway

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This creation of Holohan as a demonic supervillain is from the same stable as the mindless abuse and conspiracy theories aimed at Fauci, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton etc.

It’s unhinged and driven by internet headbangers. The same thought processes that drove things like the Satanic Panic in the US in the 1980s are behind it. If the false rumour that Paddy Cullen was Mr. X had happened in the internet age, there would probably be headbangers all over the Irish internet still insisting it was true. That’s the sort of people they are.

The truth is that the internet has created a generation of coddled idiots who reject reality, context and reason, and that’s what we see with the mindless shrieking about Holohan 19 months after all restrictions were lifted.


The ironing of it all

How do you mean? Do you consider me stupid?

No, you’ve just got a massive biased blind spot when it comes to lockdowns and vaccines.