Post Ewan McKenna

Use Ronaldinho instead. That was only 18 odd years ago.

That’s worse, somehow.

Christ just before my final year college exams😩

I am making ye all feel like old men :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I’m 38.

My point , stands :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Hon the Barney curlys by

Will that end up on deleted tweets by ewan.

He hit it between eyes with that one

That’s a very nasty post

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He’s a nasty piece of work

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Ah @Copper_pipe isnt all that bad. He’s a great young man truth be told.

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His card is marked.

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What is he is babbling about?

Anyone who is anti lockdown is labelled right wing. Considering they also jump on any call to end lockdowns and only ones publicly protesting the measures

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It’s unbelievable how bad of a writer he is. His stuff is incoherent most of the time and not just when he’s drunk. Just really hard to read.


He’s clearly a very very angry man, bitter as fuck and railing against everything,
I suspect he’s hitting the bottle hard, and appears to be on a slippery slope a la GOD

A cunt

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What will he moan about when the pandemic is over?