Post Ewan McKenna

They have toned that down in fairness

Kearney and Horgan were full of praise for them. Kearney went as far as saying this Ireland team should still be considered great.

Horgan before the match on about friendly victories…
"I think this is the last piece of the jigsaw. They have hit all of the milestones. We spoke about it before, we spoke about it last week, they have won the series in New Zealand, and they beat New Zealand in Chicago, so they have got that monkey off their back.

He also said Ireland would beat NZ playing at 90% the cocky bollix

Kearney basically cut the legs of Molloy at end of show when the presenter was talking about the magic of the team and Kearney just said what magic ? It was all about getting to semi final, he was very downbeat , and Molloy didn’t like the honesty

What a gowl.

This is brilliant

Glad ye can all share in the laughs I get every year when Ewan destroys the dubs by highlighting the doping. Only difference is the braindead replies of ‘shurrup will ya’ have been replaced with ‘fock off you horrid horrid man’


Ewan McKenna is an absolute freak of the highest order.

If you are agreeing with him you are usually in a very bad place.


You’d be in a worse place engaging at all with him.

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That’s a belter in fairness

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Qewan follows some “interesting” accounts…

This is

Some random fucknut agrees with batshit xyz

Ewan has had some meltdown today.

What happened ?

Kilmacud Crokes* won.

Well well well. The dream duo.