Post Ewan McKenna

To the victors, the spoils. Like the Limerick fellas on here the past few years. You have to them have their moment

I think the lack of tradition in provincial rugby and having the Heineken cup rammed down our throats had something to do with it, I’m probably guilty myself of being 100% ambivalent to the fortunes of Munster, though at the same time I’d recognise that it makes lots of people happy so I’d be happy for them

I think it’s weird and a bit pathetic tjat something that would bring great joy to hundreds of thousands if not millions of your countrymen, a sport that is 32 county would make you so miserable

Eire soccer attracts a very rough crowd.

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They get no criticism. When you look at how the women’s rugby team is treated and compare to their football equivalent. The ladies rugby team are routinely annihilated and they get praised. Their football equivalent get to their first World Cup and perform ok in a tough group and the daggers are out for the manager and players.

The mens football team have been pilloried for years now, some of it justified. Jerry Thornley’s article this morning blamed the ref, the pitch and the All Blacks. He apportioned no blame to the team or management themselves for losing another quarter final. All rugby commentary in this country is similar. Afraid to criticise failure and fail is what they did, again.


That’s all irrelevant even if it’s true.

The point is that some Irish people are actively cheering against their own, they say they hate rugby but what does that matter, they don’t hate it enough to ignore it :man_shrugging:
They give out about a song that’s sung beforehand when it’s clear that there’s a good reason they wont play the ‘National Anthem’ they give out about foreign born players but that’s been a thing in all sports for a long time.
I don’t get it, and I wonder how vocal these lads are in real life?
Why would you wish to deny so many of your neighbours, relatives etc of sone joy, it’s miserable

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Like McGregor?


I don’t believe that for a second, you’re obsessed with McGregor, that’s a very niche ‘sport’, nobody cares about McGregors career anymore

He’s an (odious) individual, incredible that you can’t see the difference between that and a National team in a mass participation sport in our country, bizarre :man_shrugging:

Because these supporter’s by and large aren’t rugby fans. They tune in for a handful of games a year (most don’t know the rules) and let on as if they give a bollox when they couldnt tell you anything on the game itself.
Surely its worth pointing out the hypocrisy and how fake the whole environment is. The modern day gladiators have failed again, but the bandwagon will be back again in about 12 months time when they beat a half arsed New Zealand in a friendly


Plenty of reasons to dislike Irish rugby. People enjoy their bubble being burst. I’m sure many rugby fans love the football team getting beaten. Each to their own.

Each to their own, my opinion is that it’s pathetic but I won’t fall out with anyone over it

By the criteria you just mentioned, it’s a perfectly legitimate comparison.

But you dislike him. Which is grand. And I dislike the rugby team.

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No it’s not, but you can justify it to yourself :+1:
I’m done now, you got your bite :clap::clap:

Just a bit of craic. Hard to avoid the hype during the World Cup. They ratchet it up and the arrogance was off the charts this time. They never learn. Bit of schadenfreude seeing their cough softened again.


I cringe at the folks you describe here, the media over hype, ah sure irelands call is great for kids, i love watchimg the haka et al. I cant go to a pub to watch a match i want to watch not to be surrounded by others. I can see why some folks are rubbed up by it and dpnt bither getting into an arguement about it, leave them have it

All the bullshit aside, this properly is the best irish team we have ever had, ultimately failed tp reach the heights possible. NZ were deserved winners but a bitter defeat for ireland. Sickening really, no point in blaming the ref, or the draw or anyone else but they were beaten.

Looking forward, we are still in a great position, plenty of really talented players coming through and a good core from this year. The target is to win the QF in 2027, 4 years to build to that


These soccer wankers shiting on about foregin players in rugby, whats their most famous song "who put the ball in the English net’? A Scottish man called Ray Houghton in a team managed by a lad who won the world cup playing for England :grinning:


But it’s not the anthem of the six counties. Why should they sing it?

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No one is saying they should. Couldn’t they play both?

Fair enough.

Virgin Media went pretty hard on them last night.

Was that “This is rugby country” ad the turning point for rugby? Aggravated two sets of GAA fans and the soccer football crowd all in one go.