Post Ewan McKenna

He’s thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?

Roger Sterling

Ewan is the truth.

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I think Tomas Ryan meant well in a misguided way coming out with that. I guess these guys are tunnel vision thinkers in terms of consequences for people who have lost their jobs, mental health etc - it isnt their speciality in fairness.

Ultimately at the cycles we are using in relation to the PCR test and the numbers of people they are testing – cases were going to get high regardless in the middle of winter as we’re dealing with a respitory virus.

The median age of death is an interesting one though. I brought it up with my father and brother in law back at Christmas after the dinner :smiley: - at the time the median age of death was 85, when obviously life expectancy is 82. This seems to have stretched out again since to 87.

Think thats an interesting fact for everyone to digest and think about especially since Covid arrived - our government has being trying to bring in euthanasia bills.

That to me makes no sense amongst a lot of other things.


Not sure what you point is here? People in their 80s deserve to die? And of course median age doesn’t mean exclusively 80+… A mate of mine had covid , no symptoms and is a fit, strong 30 odd year old… He has nothing in him these days. No energy, can’t concentrate he’s so tired. There’s another girl my Mrs knows of and she’s been having her period every 10-14 days since she had it, doctor told her there’s been plenty of similar complaints reported. Just because you have been untouched doesn’t mean there’s nothing out there.


Sorry to hear about those two people you know mate - but are you sure its covid causing those symptoms?

As you are aware Imperial college London this week have basically re-labelled every complaint people can have to being a covid symptom now from headaches all the way down.

Your mate whos 30 has nothing in him (your words)- ever consider that might be more of a lockdown symptom…

My point above which you seemed to have misread was that we are locking down the country to protect the elderly for the most part. Whereas at the same time we are bringing in euthanasia bills to kill off those people.

They were fine pre covid. Now they’re experiencing what they’re experiencing. That’s all I know.

I’m not a LIDTF. But there a lot of knock-on side effects from covid… Now whether they are psychosomatic or a genuine side effect I don’t know… But all these small percentages, deaths, exhaustion, long covid, periods… Whatever. They can all add up to a much larger percentage. The focus shouldn’t be on deaths or ages or cases, forget it…It should be solely on the vaccine now.

Ya but the vaccines are not looking like the silver bullet they were initally called out as being. If they don’t stop transmission we are facing rolling lockdowns and restrictions at least until the middle of 2022 -thats not even factoring in our incoherent vaccine rollout currently.

Long covid etc - I know nothing about it so I can’t give an opinion mate, the majority of people I know who have tested positive for covid via the PCR test have been lucky enough to have at worst a sore throat.

SAGE over in the UK said this week restrictions are going to be with us forever. To me that is totally wrong.

We can only hope science and @Tierneevin1979 are not lying to us about the vaccine.

I won’t be taking the vaccine anyway - I’d rather take my chances with my own immune system vs a virus that has a 99.7% recovery rate.


Vaccines are designed to stop people getting sick not prevent transmission. If they stop or at least reduce transmission that is a bonus. Look at the results from Israel, half a million have had the full two doses with zero deaths and 4 getting sick.

Science doesn’t lie, not sure about that other cunt.

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Thats good news in relation to Israel, but looking at things sensibly is long gone here.

Archbishop Holohan and co are aiming for zero covid. The government have admitted they dont have the appetitie to challenge that…ie we’re facing a bleak 12-18 months at least.

And the frightening thing is the opposition parties are even worse on this than FFG.

You’d think Boyd Barrett would try to protect jobs etc - more interested in universal basic income it seems.

It’s the only time you’ll get away with it - for a small whileen anyway


The zero Covid ship sailed a year ago. Six weeks into your latest lockdown and there’s still 1,000 reported cases a day in Ireland.



Its total madness, I used to think Roisin Shorthall was a decent policitian - completely gone down in my opinion with her push for this bullshit.

Women seem to crave it.

:fuelpump: :mobile_phone_off:

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Ewans getting better every day

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Fantastic news.This would be box office