Post Ewan McKenna

They get away with it because a blind eye is turned. One of only jobs where a non compete is sought to be enforced is broadcasting.

If Joe Duffy was freelance he’d be on Newstalk at weekends.


Very few of them wouldn’t have another income from appearances or columns or radio appearances etc surely

I think there should be a rule if over 75% of your income is from a certain source you should be treated as an employee. If you write a column or a book you can have your own company i.e. Pencilneck holdings Ltd and issue an invoice for that income and follow VAT, RCT, CT rules. @TheUlteriorMotive I know Duffy did a book children of 1916 rising so he would have had a legitimate claim in that year but each year should be treated on its own merits. Not all RTE would have regular income steams from other sources. It would be fairly ad hoc.


I think that would be a sensible rule… But its not there now right?

The whole thing is a cod… If you were a plumber they would be marking you a lot tighter for sure

It’s bollox. They went after IT industry twenty years ago. They are RTE employees and get an advantage and then claim woah is me we don’t have the pension

RTÉ is the weak spot in This pandemic.

The GArda Commissioner in a studio with Ryan Tubridy is essential travel and me visiting my folks in late 80s is not.

Having said that any lad not choking his missus during sex is missing a trick cc @ sex tape


Ewan’s gone up ten fold in my opinion this week. Great article referenced above there and his interview with Niall Boylan was good.

Its great to see a different opinion begin to come into the mainstream.

Luke O’Neill, McDonkey, Tomas Ryan etc have to be questioned.

Ivor Cummins interview was better in my view but credit Boylan for putting both of those out there this week when we have Matt Hancock trying to jail people across the water for 10 years for lying on a passenger locater form.

A greater sentence than paedophilia - words cant describe that madness.

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Its a very grey area. Out of curiosity I had a look to see was there anything in the media about it. I found the below. It looked like Revenue left it up to RTE to clean it up but they are still contractors 2 years on. It should be an enforcement issue rather than leaving it at discretion of companies.

Grant Thornton have an arrangement in Cork where they work with multinationals to keep head counts low. So they hire loads of staff in various functions like AP, AR, RTR, payroll etc and contract them out to these firms who can also circumvent the PAYE rules. The employees themselves don’t get the benefit of being a contractor though even though they would have more legitimate claims than RTE staff.

Revenue are always out after the little fella and make an example of them.

RTÉ has agreed to review the employment status of 106 contractors after an independent report found that they have “attributes akin to employment”.

The report by law firm Eversheds Sutherland reviewed a total of 433 RTÉ contractors and found that most, some 276 people, were appropriately engaged as contractors rather than as staff.

However, “inconsistencies” were identified in certain roles where some people had been hired as staff and others as contractors.

As well as the 106 people found to have “attributes akin to employment”, a further 51 contractors were assessed as having “attributes akin to both employment and self-employment” and should have their status reviewed after the initial group, the report said.

It recommended that RTÉ introduce a new policy on hiring freelances, developing “clear guidelines” on how and when it engages either contractors or employees

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I haven’t seen the Late late or Sex Tape. Currently watching American office here where Dwight Schrute is running a fire drill.

Yeah IT workers have very legitimate claims. Most of them will be contractors. You could have 2 or 3 of them in one company. They would have a couple of family members roped in and pay them a nominal salary for cash extraction purposes and have a small accountancy firm to make sure everything is above board. They might have a number of companies on their books and have 1/2 days a week on site and on call in case of emergencies outside that.

We are in this for the long haul while RTE are driving the narrative. You can switch the radio/TV off but you’ll still get asked by someone did you watch the Tallaght documentary, get WhatsApp notifications, social media etc. It is very pervasive. Commercial revenue is gone. It is now a full on propaganda arm of the medical junta. A large part of the populace have followed them hook line and sinker over the top but slowly 1 by 1 they are starting to see the wood from the leaves.


One if the best episodes imo of the office

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The office is shite
Edit= I have never worked in an office

The American office is very good Laz… Watched half an episode of the UK version, couldn’t finish it

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Angela’s cat just got fucked though the ceiling and came down through another part of it. Stanley has had a heart attack and Michael threw a printer out the window. Some TV show


Way better than UK version. You don’t have to have worked in an office @Lazarus to enjoy it. Give it a chance.

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I must give it a go. I find Ricky Gervais to be a bit of a cod

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Carrell is outstanding. Brent is a gobshite.

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Tomas Ryan is a curious one. Unfettered access to media. He made one of the most outlandish comments of the whole pandemic in wanting to defer Christmas to the end of January. I wonder how that would have worked out.

He’s not in it! It’s the American version… Can’t stand Ricky…

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I’m much the same but the American office is genius

Is there a character as good as Finchy in the American Office?


The bald guy from anchor man is in the US version as a poor man’s version of Finchy.