Post Ewan McKenna

Malachy and “Murph”, who I suspect is actually a bit of a cunt were doing this segment on sports movies, and Malachy said something like “we have to talk about something with not much sport to talk about, or we’ll end up like Ewan”

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Bit uncalled for

I’m coming around to the idea that “Murph” is a at best a dose.

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Anyone who calls out Jim Gavin is worth having around

He’s a fella with a huge welcome for himself. Adds very little to the thing, bar the gaelic football opinion.

Think I saw a tweet from Mal in response to being asked about this saying it was “meant with love”.

Whens the last time any of these bastards took part in a real live debate?

Ewan, when are you moving home?

Ewan and Woolies bromance is hilarious, the fall out will be epic when one of them says the wrong thing. Two fucking nutljobs, well matched in fairness


Murph is an embarrassment to Muldoons. He’s the reason I stopped listening to their radio show and never listened to their podcasts.


Nasty post

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Youd be better off bookmarking it for when it happens rather than automatically getting your wooly horn on here.

There’s a thread for that sort of thing

Nasty response.

I wouldn’t be that way inclined. Some lads have far too much hate in their hearts.

“A huge welcome for himself” is a great phrase

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Ewan seems to make the virtue signallers uncomfortable while speaking plain truth to the establishment. Good going. He just needs a ‘timeout before replying’ app or something. He’s got my vote.


Ewan is wannabe dominic Cummings

Ewan would be unreal if he had an adviser. Having said that if he wants to run for next election in 3 years time he better start deleting some of old tweets now.


Ewan is a man of honour, you won’t find him deleting tweets