Post Ewan McKenna

I fear we are about one Letters from Lockdown away from a tirade against asylum seekers

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Yep, shame it won’t be read due to the length of it.

Industrial Society and Its Future had the same problem.

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Had to google that ( :roll_eyes:) but yep, absolutely.

Jesus it’s hard to believe how bad it is. He makes some great points such a fucking pity no one who doesn’t already agree with him is going to bother wading through it.
Could a good writer not take the points he made, write them up properly into something readable and try get it published under Michael mcdowell or someone half credibles name.

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I think most people agree that t’s fair to say that its obvious that Ewan should be the next president. His campaign could and should start here, right now.


Outstanding article. With a nice dose for the sheep to gag on

'That it was broken by Gript was unfortunate as it allows for deflection when all that matters is its veracity.

Your opinion on a publication does not have more credibility than the facts.’


fuck it, now i’ll have to read it.

Follow the white rabbit

That’s the best thing I’ve read on the whole sorry mess

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Excellent read. Kudos.

It’s well worth reading, he’s not wrong either.

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He’s not. It’s disappointing to see the lads looking for the truth in all of this decide to ignore it because it comes from someone they don’t like.


All you can ask is that lads share it widely and hope a few people read it.


It read just fine to me. The under the bed crowd deflecting.


I’ve popped him a few bob, that sort of work deserves it.


Playing the man as usual


Interesting poll released on the Irish Times site tonight. OIUTF is the message.

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