Post Ewan McKenna

It’s the height of insecurity to judge someone’s writing rather than their message.


The under the bed crowd don’t like it up them.


Interesting but when you look into it there’s still some mad LIDTF stuff like 58% of people wanting indoor pubs and restaurants to stay closed until after the summer.

Still, a better representative of the population than that eejit Claire Byrne at least

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Bang of jealousy of some who were never brave enough to print a word

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Will do shortly. Honest journalists are badly needed.

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I enjoyed this passage. Whether you like him or not hes bang on and covered the mood of a lot of conversations I have offline and in person, 2m apart wearing masks

"If you want a snapshot of how that opposition tried to outdo each other for attention, consider Cathal Berry, a doctor himself. Just last week the TD praised the army for their work in Portlaoise Prison and wanted them to do similar in CityWest for those that soon will be forced to quarantine. He even mentioned the power of guns to deter. This for an illness with a vaccine, that is seasonal as we come into summer, and that has a median age of death of 84, with any of that age and above kept safe within weeks anyway.

And he wants regular people merely visiting to be treated as hardened criminals due to this? Not an eyelid was batted. Then again, the madness is all enveloping to the point sanity can’t be seen."

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I agree with almost everything he said its just longwinded shite that’s almost impossible to read. Another sign of his massive ego that he couldn’t edit it a bit. He’s a brutal writer for a lad who’s job it is. I guarantee you not one person who doesn’t strongly agree with him will bother their hole trying to decipher it which is a pity.


Where is he living these days?

Did Ewan mention how strict the lockdown is in Portugal?

Can you post it up? The only thing that will change the direction of this is polls and public opinion

On the Covid thread

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When he stops writing in Portuguese, he’ll be some addition somewhere


It was strict enough when I was over there last October.

You’d want to be fair petty to overlook the truthsayer because you didn’t like when he spoke the truth about your county.

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Ewan is right a lot more than he is wrong in fairness.

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Didnt he have a fella on Twitter cancelled cos he retweeted Ewans bizarre (and subsequently
deleted) attacks on people ? That would suggest the opposite…

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Well he’s right on this, and certainly right on the Dublin doping issue, but he’s only human.

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Ewan has been holed up in Brazil and Portugal for years yet obsesses relentlessly about the ‘old country’ and all its woes.

He seems to do most of his tweeting while drunk and has to delete half his tweets. He will in his hole run in a GE here


If Dana and GOD can…

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There was some non threatening well spoken middle aged dad type character from the communications clinic on Ireland AM earlier poo pooing that headline as inaccurate.